Sunday, March 18, 2018

This Is What Your Dog Looked Like 100 Years Ago

The market these days for pure-bred dogs is absolutely insane.  People spend thousands of dollars for their family dog. I mean, why wouldn't you? It's going to be your companion for decades. Many people gravitate toward buying a pure-bred dog because they want to get a classic breed that everyone has grown to love. Whether it be German Shepherds, Pugs, Bulldogs, or even the Wiener dog, there is something special about having a recognizable dog in your house.

Things have gone awry, though. When humans meddle in the business of hand picking the physical traits of dogs, sometimes things become downright unhealthy for the dog that is born. You want the perfect dog, but not at the expense of their comfort and health, right?

Here are some then and now shots of some of the most popular dog breeds. You really need to see what breeding has done.

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THEN: Bull Terrier 

This breed was first created in the 1800s as a mix of an old English Terrier and the Bulldog. This earlier version of the breed had a longer snout than the modern version.

NOW: Bull Terrier

Over decades of selective breeding, the Bull Terrier has developed a much thicker body and a considerably warped skull. 

THEN: Saint Bernard

The original breed is thought to have been a descendant of Roman Asiatic dogs and had a much smaller skull than the modern version. It was a functional breed oftentimes used for work. 

NOW: Saint Bernard 

This dog isn't a work dog any longer. In fact, the breed has a large number of health issues that include a degenerative condition that affects the spinal cord (Stockard's paralysis), blood clot formations (hemophilia), and aphakia. Aphakia happens to be the absence of an eye's lens. They are also prone to overheating. 


Pugs are thought to have been brought over by the Portuguese several hundred years ago and have subsequently been crossed with terrier breeds.  

NOW: Pug

The modern Pug has to deal with a whole host of health problems due to selective-breeding. For example, they have considerable difficulty breathing and are known to have horrible cardiovascular health. Pugs also have problems with encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). Oh how breeding has caused problems for this fellow.

THEN: Basset Hound

Recognize this little guy? The main difference lies in the facial features. The older version of the Basset Hound had considerably shorter ears and a perky face.

NOW: Basset Hound

The modern version of the breed has a much droopier face, very long ears, and shorter legs. They are now known to have problems with their back and eyelids (eyelids turning outwards). 

THEN: Boxer

Look at the longer snout that the boxer used to have. Rumor has it that the original boxer breed resulted from a cross of a Bulldog, Mastiff and Great Dane.

NOW: Boxer

Over successive breeding attempts, the snout has become much more compact. As a byproduct of cross-breeding, the modern Boxer has a high risk of developing cancer and lacks the ability to properly cool itself (not fun for the summer months).

THEN: Dachshund (Wiener Dog)

The older version of the breed had legs for days! Wow, those legs have really disappeared over the years. 

NOW: Dachshund 

Humans have aimed to create a different version of the Dachshund, with a much longer back and shorter legs. They get around surprisingly well for having those legs! 

THEN: Bulldog

Notice the smaller head on the older Bulldog. 

NOW: Bulldog 

The original purpose of the breed was to bait bulls for blood sport. As a result, Bulldogs have developed much stronger and thicker bodies as well as giant heads. The modern Bulldog is known to be quite gassy and has a limited lifespan (sometimes less than 10 years). 

THEN: German Shepherd 

The original version of this breed had a longer, slimmer torso. This breed was created in the 1850s for the purposes of herding sheep. 

NOW: German Shepherd 

Notice the shorter, more compact abdomen on the modern German Shepherd.

SHARE this with all of your friends on Facebook who have a purebred dog. 


Author: verified_user