Since I'm not one for sulking, I felt it was better to celebrate the time they have left with this list of funny, made-up conversations between Biden and Obama.
1. It's now or never
2. Only two more months of this
3. It was worth a try
4. Soon-to-be president daddy to you, Joe
5. Joe Biden's been working on his spiral
6. Someone's salty
7. Joe's laying down the law
8. A little housewarming gift
9. Gotta respect the long con
10. True love never dies
11. Bros?
12. Not this again
13. Simmer down there, jailhouse Joe
It's never too late to take on a career in MMA, just do it outside of the white house... preferably
14. Now we know what Joe's been working on for eight years
15. Joe hasn't changed his email address since the first version of the internet was rolled out
16. Behave yourself, Joe
17. Quick, run and hide!