Sunday, November 26, 2017

Guy Makes Epic Paper Toss To Earn His Classmates 100% On Quiz

The world is such an amazing place. Throughout our lives, we're often given so many opportunities to succeed that it can almost feel overwhelming. Sometimes, you just have to take a shot in the dark and try, simply doing the best that you possibly can. Is there truly ever "luck," though? People always refer to things happening by sheer luck, but when people accomplish a crazy feat, it's generally due to immense amounts of practice or simply knowing how to do something. Take gambling, for instance. Sure, maybe the slots are chance based, but pretty much every card game is skill based, so you can't discredit the player. Well, one student had the opportunity to score huge for his class and he absolutely followed through.

People have gone absolutely insane after watching this. The video starts by showing a student, all the way at the back of a lecture hall, cock his arm and throw a paper ball. As the camera follows it, you begin to feel more and more anxious, just knowing that he arguably made the absolute best shot in the history of paper ball throwing. According to Rachel Brown, (the person who recorded the video), the professor threw a paper ball up to the balcony to demonstrate proton donation (organic chemistry class). Then, since he does it every year, offered the student who had the paper ball (Vinny) the chance to get the entire class 100% on their first quiz if he could make the shot. Well, make the shot he did, and the class erupted into cheering, knowing that they all just got perfect on their first quiz of the year. So, what do you think? Was it luck, or is this the paper toss master of the world?


Author: verified_user