Monday, August 21, 2017

Mom Is Touched When A "Miracle" Balloon Floats Toward Her At Her Son's Funeral

There are few things in life more heartbreaking than a parent attending the funeral of their child. In the circle of life, it's the child who is supposed to bury their parents, but sometimes life takes a sad and tragic turn. When Trebby, a young boy from the Philippines, recently passed away, his casket was topped with a framed portrait of him, beautiful flowers, and white balloons. His mom was understandably upset and in tears, but then something that can be described as nothing but a miracle happened.

As you'll see in the video below, one of the white balloons floated away from the casket and headed straight towards Trebby's mother, Joy. According to news outlets, the family believes the balloon was being moved by the spirit of the young boy and would like to believe it's his final mission. 

It's a heartbreaking moment you'll have to see for yourself.


Author: verified_user