Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Coffee Shop Owner Tired Of Rude Customers Puts Out A Sign That Changes Customers' Tunes

From the time that we're young, we're taught to be kind to others. Realistically, kindness is just something that comes to most people, but we need to be taught things that are socially acceptable to do. A simple greeting goes a long way, especially if it's to a complete stranger. Whether we like to believe it or not, not everyone is polite and not everyone is mindful of other people. You know that saying "treat others how you would want to be treated?" Yeah, that's something that a lot of people actually neglect, especially when it comes to people that are offering them some kind of service.

When people go to a fast food chain, for example, they often don't remember that they're talking to a human being.

This can, obviously, be quite problematic.

Simply saying hello to them, asking politely for things (please), and saying thank you can bring a smile to their faces.

Despite the simplicity, they're dealing with rude customers on a regular basis, so the polite ones tend to stand out!

Eventually, they're bound to take a stand, right?

I mean, if you were constantly being mistreated, wouldn't you say something?

Meet Austin Simms.

Austin had been struggling with impolite customers for quite some time, so he decided to take a stand in a funny way.

Austin jokingly attributes his creative response to:

"Wanting to solve all the injustices in the world."

Instead of lashing out at customers or being passive aggressive, Austin took a creative approach.

Customers satisfaction is still number one, so why not spice things up, right?

The sign, which he placed right outside of the store, has been causing quite the stir.

The sign reads:

" 'One small coffee'


'One small coffee, please'


'Hello, I’d like one small coffee please.'

$1.75 "

Receiving a discount simply for being polite? Gee, thanks for the manners, Mom and Dad!

It's a pretty sweet way to get a discount, or inflated price, on your coffee.

Despite his frustration with customers, Austin showed that you can deal with rude customers in a polite and funny way.

Hear the full story by clicking below!


Author: verified_user