Thursday, August 10, 2017

24 Pics That Scream 'Hell Naw!'

For those of you who have a taste for the terrifying but prefer not to experience it firsthand, you came to the right place! And I can't say I blame you.

What I have here is a list of pictures that are the stuff of nightmares. Enjoy. And don't forget, you wanted this.

1. They've got the right idea.

There are some thrills we just don't need to seek. 

Unless there's a gorilla on top of the truck throwing the logs and I've got super jump powers, you can pretty much count me out.

2. Damn, that's a big fish.

And I don't know if it's just the light reflection or what, but it looks like it's got a sinister grin on its face.

Sure, the fish might tell me it's just the light, but I wasn't born yesterday.

3. Well, I guess this is it. 

Because really, if this isn't a sign of the apocalypse, I don't know what else I'm supposed to look for. Let's put it this way, I'd be a lot more worried about this than four guys on horses.

4. I have a feeling that if you brought these home, you'd start getting really bad luck and weird dreams.

And honestly, the fact that there's a weird message scrawled next to them in cement isn't helping. 

Is that what you say to appease the demon or what?

5. Preach.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I need a hell of a lot more experience points before I'm ready to take something like that on.

'Cause if I were in this gentleman's place, my eyes would look less intense and more afraid.

6. This is without a doubt the worst news I read today.

Who looked at one of these creepily crawling around their garage and thought, "Oh yeah, these definitely need the gift of flight?"

7. Oh God, it's happening.

Well, hold on, maybe if you look inside the story, it says they declared the experiment a failure and burned everything.

Um...I looked inside and it doesn't say that. Also, this was the AI's idea of being nice. Gulp.

8. Why?

Why this one version of Bilbo from this obscure scene in Fellowship? Like, who buys this?

I guess when you're ensnared by the dark influence of the Ring, you pay a much higher price than $30.

9. On second thought, I'll take a pass on the refill.

You know, I've heard there are a lot of nice benefits to giving up caffeine. I'll be able to sleep better, for one thing. 

Not because I won't be hyper but because I can stop worrying about drinking spiders.

10. One would have been bad enough. 

The only thing I hate more than snakes is riddles, and this one looks like it's got a doozy for me. 

Like, one tells the truth, one lies, and one just bites me for no reason.

11. Ballsy.

Yeah, as rad as skateboards are, I think they're also the limit of how far I'm willing to go for an extreme sport.

It might not be that fun when groin meets rail, but I'll take that over my whole body meeting jagged rocks any day. 

12. Uh oh.

Yeah, I don't think skydiving is gonna be showing up on my bucket list anytime soon.

 I may end up with some regrets in life, but not putting myself through this won't be one of them.

13. Super Mario IRL.

I'll stick to the game, thank you. There aren't anywhere near as many fun creatures to jump on in real life, and having only one life left all the time really sucks.

14. Oh, hellno.

If the photographer didn't immediately clear out of there as soon as he got this shot, he's a braver man than me.

I wanna be on his team during a zombie apocalypse 'cause he can obviously handle anything.

15. This is what having a death wish looks like.

Yeah, I get a little antsy even looking over the railing when I'm that high up, so you'd have to get into the millions before you'd pay me enough to do something like this.

16. I think I'll keep mine, thanks.

If someone invites me to a party and I find out it's here, something is suddenly gonna come up. Nothing is worth the risk, no matter how much you tell me it's just a name.

17. Yeah, I definitely don't need that.

I'd be out of there in a heartbeat. Sometimes you have cut your losses and recognize that it's the snake's house now.

I hope it has a happy life here.

18. For real, though.

And since I'd just be going back to the house with the giant snake in it, it's really no great loss. I'm kinda running out of places I'm allowed to be, though.

19. There goes my appetite.

I guess the fact that these were only about a dollar each should have been my first clue. And I know it doesn't matter, but why do they have to be so dirty?

20. By far the scariest image on the list.

If you ever see someone shaking an ATM in weird places, they're actually the sane one. That's how crazy the world is now.

21. I thought this hospital was abandoned?

Or is that only what they wanted us to think? After all, they obviously kept the electricity on for some reason, right? Very strange, indeed.

22. Looks like we're pushing the car today...

So did the snake just naturally decide to make this gas pump its new home or was someone diabolical enough to actually put this here? 

23. "Need a ride?"

I promise I'll believe you when you say you were released and they just "forgot" to give you your clothes back. 

Hmm, I don't suppose you have any gas money in that gown?

24. Really, dude?

Superman must be getting really tired of saving this guy by now. Especially if he just smugly says, "Whatever, I was doing fine, bro" every time.

Just no respect.


Author: verified_user