Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Teen Boy Calls Police Because He Doesn't Like Living At Home And Officer Responds Like Hero

We all need a little help from time to time. Sometimes we turn to our family for help. Other times, our friends. However, some people feel like they have nowhere to turn. That's why it's so important for people to support each other and reach out: Let others know you are here for them in their times of need. One officer got a distressed call from a 13-year-old boy who didn't want to live at home anymore. When the officer responded, he knew what to do. He sat down and listened. He let the boy know he was around and gave him his personal number should he need any help in the future. Then the boy took the officer inside his home...

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Officer Acerra responded to a distress call from a 13-year-old boy who didn't want to live at home anymore.

The boy had just had a fight with his mom, who was disciplining him for playing with his brother's video games.

When Acerra sat down with the boy, he realized the issues at home ran deeper than this one fight.

He only knew this because he listened. That's right, he stopped everything and listened to what the upset teen was saying. He could tell something was wrong. 

The teen confessed that he didn't want to live at home anymore. Officer Acerra told him he had a good roof over his head and that he would try to help in any way he could.

He didn't want to see the teen torn from his family.

He brought the teen home and was asked to come inside. He didn't hesitate. No matter what was behind the door, it was his duty to check it out now.

When he got to the teen's room, he understood the problem.

The teen barely had anything in his room... not even a bed. "My heart went out for him," Acerra said. 

He immediately began brainstorming all the little things he could contribute to this teen's life to make it even just a little better and more comfortable. It was obvious his family had fallen on hard times.

Officer Acerra returned to the scene with a bed, chair, desk, TV, donated Wii games, and more.

The room was now something the teen could have only dreamed about before.

The teen couldn't be happier. He told his new crime-fighting friend, "Now my back won't hurt when I sleep."

This gift is definitely above and beyond the call of duty. Officer Acerra became an everyday hero to this teen.

Officer Acerra has gotten quite a lot of praise from this act of kindness but says he didn't do it for the publicity.

He really, truly cares. These are the kind of officers that make communities feel safer.

"I did this because I could and it was the right thing to do."

It sure was. And now this teen knows who to call in case anything else comes up... like a Wii tournament. SHARE this heartwarming story with everyone you know. 

h/t YouTube / HLN


Author: verified_user