Friday, June 2, 2017

Teen Undergoes Dramatic Jaw Transformation After Surgery For Her Rare Condition

In the past 100 years or so, humanity has made many dramatic leaps. We weren't able to reliably access the internet over twenty-five years ago, and even when we could, there wasn't that much that drew people to out. Now, you would be hard-pressed to find someone that isn't connected to the internet in some way. Likewise, surgery has also come a long way. We had some pretty gruesome and ineffective methods of "helping" people a hundred years ago, but now we're able to help people in new and amazing ways, creating so many opportunities for them. That's exactly what this girl found when she went to her orthodontist.
SHARE this beautiful story with your friends and family!

Everyone is always pursuing the perfect smile, but we don't all start on even ground.

Meet Ellie Jones. Ellie was born with a rare congenital condition that caused her jaw to stop growing when she was eight.

As a result, her jaw was much smaller than it should have been, resulting in a significant amount of overcrowding in her teeth.

When she was 14, she went to an orthodontist to get braces.

Instead, she was told that it wouldn't be that simple for her. She found out that she would need surgery.

She received her first surgery at the age of 16, drastically changing the way she looked.

For the first month following her surgery, she was on a purely liquid diet.

She also had to use a notepad to communicate.

Eventually, Ellie was able to move on to soft foods and then to solids.

Now 20, Ellie's life has been forever changed.

"Now I just feel normal... It’s worth the year of pain and my mum said what’s a year compared to the rest of your life," she said.

She also mentioned that she is able to do everything she has always wanted to do, no longer being fearful of judgment.

Ellie's story is truly amazing and is a testament to the power of medical procedures.

Don't forget to SHARE Ellie's beautiful story with your friends and family!


Author: verified_user