Wednesday, May 31, 2017

16 Funny Pics For Some Feel Good Laughs

Life can get pretty hectic a lot of the time, huh? It seems like bad news is around every corner, whether you're seeking it out or not. Well, today we're gonna take a well-deserved break from all that junk and just focus on some good ole fashioned fun! These are the kinds of memes and pics that'll make your heart and face smile, the kind of stuff that could lift the mood of even the grumpiest of grumpsters. That's my hope at least. I know I can't save 'em all. But, if you're comedically inclined and like feel-good fun, then this is just the right place for you! Welcome, and enjoy! 

1. Looks like the cat's out of the bag...

2. The only school supply I'd ever need!

3. Although, there are those times when they aren't even remotely sorry for being bad...

4. And don't ever think an old dog isn't full of new tricks!

5. I always get a rise from a good Star Warsjoke!

6. Just kitten around with some furball friends

7. This lil' boy has chemistry with everyone in his class!

8. And other kids just have a chemistry all their own...

9. Did you see that woman on the road or did you drive right pasta? 

10. When you just can't resist posting a pic of you hanging out with friends

11. It's time to start giving a duck

12. "Sure, uhh... say cheese, I guess."

13. I'm starting to CDstypes of pics everywhere, but this one is perfect!

14. Definitely a candidate for father of the year right here

15. And just when you think there's no hope for modern media...

16. I wanted to end on a peaceful note, but sometimes you gotta compromise with nature


Author: verified_user