Thursday, February 16, 2017

Boy Drowns Out Preacher's Homophobic Rant With His Bagpipes

Just when you thought those music lessons that were forced on you as a kid were useless, you go and see something like this, amirite? You just know this kid's mother had him in bagpipe lessons on his Saturday afternoons when he could have been playing Nintendo with his buddies, and you know he hated every minute of it. And yet, there he was, carving out his living busking on the streets when destiny called, and suddenly, in that moment, it all made sense. He knew what he had to do. He knew why his mother had forced those pipes upon him – so he could be a hero.

Beautiful St. Andrews, Scotland, is better known for its golf and its university than anything, but when the quiet of the idyllic town was upset by hateful noise, a hero stepped up in a wonderfully Scottish way.

And, thankfully for the rest of us, the incident was caught on video.

As locals and tourists tried to enjoy a sunny day on St. Andrews' scenic Market Street, a preacher set up a microphone and amplifier to shout out hate-filled nonsense.

It's not quite clear in the video, but according to the people who took the video, the street preacher had some theories about gay marriage ruining the economy. 

However, one busker was having none of it. To the delight of the crowd – and you can hear the cheers in the video – the bagpiper starts belting out "Scotland the Brave" as loud as he can.

He even marches right up to the preacher to make sure he's drowning out all that nasty noise. Check out the full, glorious scene in the video below!


Author: verified_user