Friday, January 27, 2017

Friendly Dog Is Too Old To Climb The Stairs, So His Mailman Builds A Ramp

You know the old generalization of how mail carriers and dogs just can't get along. Sometimes it seems like it's true — mine certainly go crazy every single time — but this story about mailman Jeff Kramer and his friend Tashi prove that it doesn't have to be that way. 

From the beginning, Tashi the black lab loved Jeff. He would insist on greeting him every day, tail wagging excitedly.

"You don't check out a dog first,'' Jeff explained, "You let it check you out and you're much better off that way."

After 16 years on the job, Jeff's learned how to keep pooches on his good side. 

Tashi's not a young dog, though. He's 14 years old and Jeff could tell how hard it had become for the pup to come down off the porch to greet him each day.

But it wasn't until he saw Tashi's owners carrying him up the stairs that he realized how bad it had gotten, and he was reminded of his own recent loss. 

Jeff had recently lost his own dog, Odie, to old age and still had the supplies for a ramp he'd never had time to build the dog. 

So he decided to gift it to Tashi and his family.

Without any warning, Jeff brought the materials over and began to build the wooden ramp, surprising the family with his generosity.

Everyone agrees that Tashi seems livelier now, the ramp giving him back his independence in an important way. And of course, it means he gets his daily visit with Jeff, too.

SHAREthis article to prove that mail carriers and dogs don't have to be enemies. They can be best friends, too!


Author: verified_user