Friday, December 30, 2016

Adorable Doggys Before And After Their Haircuts

Have you ever heard of Japanese dog grooming techniques?

I first wrote about them when the craze hit, but turns out it's back! Professional photographer Grace Chon has taken the internet's love of animals and transformation stories and turned them into one adorable photoshoot we're all sharing!

It's called HAIRY and it's bound to make you smile. These dogs are groomed specifically to look as cute as they possibly can.

Now, considering these dogs are already cute, the awww factor here is huge.

Enjoy and SHARE with friends.

Gracie Chon is a professional animal photographer with an affinity for dogs.

She says she's always found before and afters of dog grooming "funny."

She loves that the dogs can look like entirely different animals from one shot to the next.

And so, she says, "I had the idea of shooting a photo series that highlighted this extreme transformation."

This lil' fellow seems to think it was a great idea!

She turned her idea into a reality we've all fallen hard for.

The dogs are adorable! Check them all out on the next pages.

Pssst... this is Grace and her dog Zoey. They do all the fun stuffs together when she's not working.

This is Nala before grooming.

Groomer: Alyson Ogimachi

This is Nala after grooming. 

What a little princess she is!

This is Biggie Smalls before grooming. 

Groomer: Cameron Adkins. 

This is Biggie Smalls after grooming.

Grace says this one *might* just be her personal favorite.

This is Lana before grooming.

Groomer: Koko Fukaya

This is Lana after grooming.

All cleaned up! This is one of my personal favorite transformations. So precious.

Check out the cuties on the next page!

This is Rocco before grooming.

Groomer: Patricia Sugihara

Let's be honest, the hair's already pretty on point, no? These artists can make magic, though!

This is Rocco after grooming.

Yep, just as I thought: magic! This dog actually might just have better hair than any human I know. Rocco also looks way younger like this! #goals

This grumpy-looking guy is Raider before grooming.

Groomer: Koko Fukaya

This is Raider after grooming.

Still a little upset, but oh so much more adorable! We can see those big sappy eyes now!

This crazy-looking crit is Teddy before grooming.

Groomer: Donna Owens

This is Teddy after grooming.

Spunkier than ever. Look at that face!

This is Athena before grooming.

Groomer: Donna Owens

She's got a little something on her chin in this one, but in the next...

This is Athena after grooming.

All better and trendy as ever!

This is Yuki before grooming.

Groomer: Alyson Ogimachi

We can hardly see this one through all the hair!

This is Yuki after grooming.

What a difference, right?

Grace did a fantastic job of capturing the changes in each dog.

This just goes to show what a little grooming can do! 

We can't wait to see what this animal photographer will capture next!

Which dog transformation was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!


Author: verified_user