Saturday, December 10, 2016

40 Pleasing Pics That Left Us Satisfied

The work day can be pretty monotonous and deflate your spirits at times. Just when your day gets super boring, the internet, particularly Reddit, has a way of snapping you back to reality and giving you exactly what you need. I dug through the catacombs of Reddit to find you the most satisfying/pleasing/inspiring pictures, and I wasn't disappointed. 

Here are 20 pictures to lift your spirits today. 

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1. The way this peak comes through the clouds. 

It looks like some beautiful beast appearing over the village. Like something from a Hayao Miyazaki movie. 

I wouldn't be surprised to see Howl's Moving Castle walking along next to it. 

2. This man posted a before and after shot of his physical progress after ditching alcohol. 

"One year of no alcohol has changed my life. I lost 53 pounds and I'm 1000 times happier. I tried to recreate my bloated pic," wrote Klamsykrawl.

3. This kitty coming up for a quick boop and head rub. 

"Don't worry, kid. No need to bend down. I'll come to you."

Can I also just take a moment to appreciate the kid's incredible style? That coat is fierce!

4. The lengths these two brothers went to in order to recreate this old photo from their childhood. 

Do you think the one brother has just kept the bowl cut all along, or did he cut his hair specifically for the photo?

Not sure which I find more impressive. 

5. These beautiful cherry blossoms over the Meguro River in Tokyo.

One of these years I will achieve my dream of traveling to Japan during cherry blossom season. I've wanted to go ever since I was a kid.

6. "Every time I mow the lawn...." wrote joey_r00 on Reddit. 

Doggo may be looking like the Grinch now, but he's just too darned happy about it to be mad. 

The smile will probably fade when bath time comes. 

7. This one-day-old kitten. One. Day. Old!

I'm dying of cuteness. The baby's eyes can't even open yet. Imagine the little meows it makes!

I mean, really, send an ambulance because the adorableness is killing me. 

8. This wood has been dyed and totally looks like a brick of lava. 

I don't believe it. That artist is clearly just holding a perfectly shaped brick of lava, right? That's totally more realistic, right? 

Kidding, but man, is this ever cool.

9. Are you as happy as this pug running through a garden of tulips?

No, of course you're not. Nothing will ever be as happy as this pug. It is the happiest. 

Well, maybe if you let me hold that baby kitten above. Then I might be happier. 

10. This sandcastle that is so perfect it needs to be preserved forever. 

How did they get such perfectly square edges? When I make a sandcastle, I'm lucky if I can manage to keep the bucket shape from falling apart!

11. This cute leaf that looks exactly like a dolphin. 

If there is a tree out there somewhere with dolphin-shaped leaves, I need to know what is it, and I'll take three for my backyard, please and thanks.

12. This amazing shot with an amazing owl. 

The owl is totally outmodelling the women here. I mean, you look good, ladies, but the owl is fierce!Look at that wingspan! 

13. How could this not lift your spirits?

"My son's knee looks like a worried teenage mutant ninja turtle," wrote danowar5000. Well, it does now! But really, if we're going for worried, the mask should probably be Leonardo's blue. Raphael is more hot-headed. 

14. This amazing shot using some fancy camera trickery. 

It's probably a super simple trick once you've had it explained to you, but I think I'd like to preserve the mystery. The image is lovely without explanation. 

15. "Home Depot's cutest employee," wrote pregglt on this adorable picture. 

Corgi puppy alert! Corgi puppy alert! 

Whoever found that mini Home Depot smock is my hero. 

16. This awesome Easter photo from Jim Carrey. 

Carrey is sporting an amazing beard and more importantly, an adorable little bunny! Even the carrot is bunny-sized!

This level of satisfying is an Easter miracle.

17. This incredible piece of art found under a Denver overpass. 

It's like a sci-fi Muppet bike...thing. The bicycle seat appears to be molded Jell-O. Because why wouldn't it be made of Jell-O? You act like that's the part that makes no sense here!

18. This water is so clear in Sweden that Reddit user Suborb had to check for evidence that there was even water. 

Holy cow. The only hint to prove the water exists is the slight line on the photographer's wrist!

19. This person finally figured out what this compartment in his car is used for. 

Oddly satisfying, right? Every vehicle should have a designated Snickers compartment. Or maybe every vehicle does have one and you just have to find it...

20. This shot from a drone capturing a calf and mother humpback whale. 

So sweet! The bond in whale families always amazes me. How anyone could fail to see it and think they're "just dumb animals" baffles me. 

21. The brown crust on this perfectly toasted marshmallow brought me to my knees.

Just enough crunch without jeopardizing the softness that makes a marshmallow what it is. Gimme that right now!

22. This photo of a kingfisher captured at the perfect moment. 

23. This snake in the most satisfying (yet horrifying) coil.

I honestly thought this was a cinnamon roll before I saw a close-up version of it. 

24. These sand dunes blown over a highway...looks like you could get lost there! 

25. The faces in these pots

Obviously, the spaghetti noodle and what appear to be bottle caps were placed there on purpose, but it's still pretty satisfying. 

26. This archway right out of a fairy tale. 

27. The natural complexity of this honeycomb 

The beautiful amber combined with the organized arrangement of the compartments makes this almost too much to handle. 

28. These perfectly arranged fall leaves.

Imagine the time this took to make. 

29. This amazing floating market!

30. This weirdly satisfying tower of glue gun globs

Personally,  I want to see an entire forest of these things.

31. The most perfect hamburger bun I've ever seen 

Not a blemish or crack on the top and it's almost a perfect circle too! it would be hard to take a bite out of.

32. This perfect pour

At first glance I actually thought that this was a frozen block of coca-cola, but this is even cooler. I love when things work out so perfectly. 

33. These peeled pomegranates 

Not only is the natural pattern of the pomegranate appealing, it tastes like heaven. The longer I look at it the hungrier I get — let's move on.

34. This ice molded to a parking meter  

Just think of the sound it must have made. I like to think it's on the same satisfaction level as crunching leaves in the fall.

35. This carrot who perfected its pose.

It looks ready to drop some sick beats on an unsuspecting crowd. You think vegetables can't be cool? This carrot's out to prove you wrong. 

36. "I was shaking with a box of toothpicks and they arranged like this," wrote JesseH14.

How is this perfection possible? It reminds me a bit of a snowball mixed with Sonic the Hedgehog. 

37. This unbelievable progression of ripening tomatoes 

If you weren't sure how to tell when a tomato is ripe, this vine has you covered. It's provided a handy color guide for those new to growing their own veggies.

38. This optical illusion that made me do a double-take.

At first, it looks like we have a case of Siamese dog twins, but you'd be mistaken. 

39. This Bullwinkle oil platform shell being moved on water (over 400m long). 

40. The layers in this perfect latte! 

How do I know it's a latte and not a cappuccino? Well, I can't be 100% positive, but the rather paltry layer of foam on top suggests the former. 

Leave a COMMENT on Facebook letting us know which of these you liked the most. 


Author: verified_user