Thursday, December 15, 2016

29 Fascinating Pictures That Left Us In Awe

There is a point in every day where I feel that something so captivating happens that I have to take a snapshot of it. Just when you think this world has gotten a little boring, something grabs your attention and snaps you right back in awe. While the photos in the current list aren't from my own collection, the internet provides an even more incredible library of photos. 

Here are 29 fascinating photos that will leave you feeling amazed:

1. This shadow cast by two complete strangers on the street. 

Although you can't see them in the photo, their shadow is eye-catching. Even the pupper to the left thinks so! 

2. Sometimes it's fascinating how reckless people are on the roads. 

It's like that scene out of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...except scarier because this is real life. Let's hope this little stunt had a happy ending! 

3. Probably the most fascinating photobomb that could ever occur. 

I love this one because not only is there a turtle crashing their party, it's even looking directly at the camera.

4. This Reddit user's friend was Robin Williams' housekeeper and they took this amazing picture together. 

I'm not entirely sure what's going on here but it sure makes you look. Housekeeping looks like a pretty fun job in this case! 

5. Apparently this little guy doesn't think that teddy bear is junk. 

Pets are awesome because they're so loving. (Although I did hear a rumor once that some cats will try to eat you in your sleep. Anyone know if this is true?)

6. A dog and a woman with the same eye condition, known as heterochromia. 

These two are stunning. They even have the same colors in the same eyes. That's one special bond to have with your dog! 

7. A (really) beautiful example of an inverted perspective. 

The only thing more stunning that a sunset is a when it's reflected in something as lovable as a wine glass. Can I get an amen?

8. This gangster cat walking away from a fire. 

Nothing says "I had something to do with this" like this sassy strut away from the scene of the crime. That's one baaad kitty! 

9. This tree was cut down the day before and this message suddenly showed up on it. 

Sometimes graffiti isn't always a bad thing. It can be inspiring, insightful, and turn something so plain into a work of art.

10. The most captivating bathroom I have ever seen. 

This person must be one with nature because this is one serious attempt at a modern day outhouse. It doesn't get much more authentic than that!

11. This person showing off how his scar doesn't collect dirt like the rest of his arm. 

This is kind of cool. Does anyone know why this happens? I didn't realize this was a thing.

12. This interesting frost pattern on a car's side mirror. 

If I didn't know what this was, I would have assumed it was hand-drawn by someone who paints for a living. It's almost too perfect to have been done by nature, but it was. 

13. The only thing standing in this house after a tornado passed through. 

Of all of the things that are most likely to be taken out by a tornado, you'd think glass would be one of the first things to go, but apparently not. Talk about a new good luck charm...

14. This opening in the window recreates the scene outside.

When this happens it's called a "camera obscura" and they're some of the most mesmerizing things. All it takes is darkness and a little bit of light for an object to appear in a place it's not. 

15. This person's gym used to be a bank. 

Could you imagine how disappointed a burglar would be if this massive safe was broken into only to find an average gym? I wonder if the door auto-locks.

16. Someone's motion-sensing smart doorbell captured a bumblebee. 

Timing is everything when it comes to capturing moments like this. The little guy was in the perfect spot at the perfect time. 

17. This section of bricks was shaped by the surf. 

It's amazing what nature can do with the things in its possession, eh? It just goes to show you that nature will always be more powerful than humankind.

18. When you try to fill your cup of coffee up as full as it can possibly be without letting it overflow.

This person did an A+ job at stopping when they did. It would drive me crazy if there was still a drop left in the coffee pot, though.

19. Three layers of a road.

If you scroll past this really quickly, you'd almost swear it was a layered ice cream cake. It looks pretty edible, but it is in fact a real chunk of a real road — and roads, my friends, are not edible. 

20. An insect that looks exactly like a leaf.

This insect is called a Katydid, and its evolutionary purpose for looking like a leaf is to blend in with its surroundings to be invisible to predators. It resembles a leaf almost too much to tell the difference to the untrained eye.

21. I can't decide if this is a tree house or a house tree...

Either way, it's interesting to look at. If it were life-sized, it would remind me of something out of The Princess Bride

22. These clouds look like a strategically arranged work of art.

This is just another example of how fascinating nature can be. I wonder if anyone has a photo of what these clouds looked like from below?

23. This bell pepper looks like a grumpy old man.

Isn't it funny how sometimes our food resembles things in real life? This one's not even genetically modified, but regardless, it's almost too cool-looking to eat!

24. It's a "cat fish"... Get it?

The markings on this fish eerily resemble a cat. It looks as if the two were superimposed but they weren't. It's just a coinkidink! 

25. This bee clearly doesn't enjoy being photographed in its natural habitat.

The saying "if looks could kill" has never been so applicable. I wouldn't want to get in the way of this angry looking little guy — he may be small, but he sure is mighty. 

26. This person's cutting board got stuck in their sink that happened to be exactly the same size. 

If this happened to me, I'm not sure if I'd laugh or cry. It's a pretty cool coincidence — but how on earth would you get the darn thing out?

27. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to fathom how this happened.

I'm guessing this little one tried to take a running jump from a tree branch onto the hydro line but missed and ended up clinging on for dear life. How do you think he got back down?

28. The shadow of this plane somehow became surrounded by a rainbow. 

I don't know the science behind this, but I do know it's pretty darn cool to look at. This world is full of strange and fascinating things.

29. This tree dabs. (Yeah, you read that right.)

It almost looks like it was cut and carved this way, but it wasn't. This is just one more example of how ironic nature can be. Does it remind anyone of one of those blow-up things that flails around in the wind?

You're totally welcome for this list of random fascinating pictures!

I hope your boss doesn't notice how much time you spent looking at it, and if they did, ah well. YOLO, as the kids say. 

Leave a COMMENT letting us know which one of these you found the most fascinating!


Author: verified_user