Thursday, December 8, 2016

16 Funny Cards Better Than A Present

Sometimes the card is the least exciting part of a gift you're receiving. There isn't always the effort put into them that we think there should be. Regardless, we still get them each year and they tend to pile up quickly. For me, I've never really known when the appropriate time is to throw out a card. Is it rude to do that? Well, with these cards we've found today, there will be no need for that question because there's no way you're gonna wanna chuck any of these out. From companies that seem to actually try to be funny for a change, to people who have made their own, we've got a selection of the best of the best and the funniest of the funny for any and all occasions. So consider this our gift to you, and enjoy these sixteen hilarious cards that are pretty much better than any actual present you could receive...

1. We'll start with a card that speaks volumes about love in the 21st century...

2. Just because you can't read, doesn't mean you don't need a good card

3. And just because you can't type, doesn't mean you can't make a good card...

4. Truer words have never been written, Joseph

5. An inexpensive, clever solution to the "money card" problem

6. Kids, of course, have no qualms just tellin' it like it is...

7. Naturally, the follow-up card would be this one:

8. But there are a lot of people I see these days who could use thisparticular card...

9. I'm sure Dad will have a few questions about this one...

10. This is literally the sweetest card on the list:

11. And this one is perhaps the most cutting...

12. Thanks, Grampa, you always know just what to say

13. Here's a great one for that someone special/dirty in your life...

14. Harsh, but technically not wrong.

Oh, the wisdom of kids yet again.

15. Always remember to actually readthe card before you give it to someone...

16. Lastly, to show you really care...


Author: verified_user