Sunday, November 6, 2016

19 People Who Should Lower Their Expectations

I once tried to make a chocolate cake from a box. Yeah, nothing too ambitious. I wanted chocolate cake but didn't want to do much work or make a ton of dishes, so hey, grab a box and make a straightforward cake. Sounds easy, right? If I could replicate the results, you might have heard about the discovery of an exciting new building material in the news, the kind of thing that could replace bricks and cinder blocks. I couldn't say what went wrong, but I knew when to throw in the towel on my future as a baker.

But hey, it's not just me. It happens to us all. Despite all your best efforts, sometimes the world just wants to work against you. Why can't it be a team player? As if life isn't hard enough, can't you just make something nice? 

Apparently, the answer is no. At least, not always. And when your efforts don't turn out like you hoped, they can go awfully wrong. 

1. Must have been low-cal – at least it makes you not want to eat it anymore.

2. Sometimes a fail is still a win, right?

3. A bit confused about how this was supposed to be a good thing in the first place, but it definitely didn't work out.

4. How the heck do you mess up a Chia Pet?!

5. Well, at least if the rainbow won't come out for this one, you still get alcohol.

6. It looks like such a great idea...

7. Pinterest, you lying liar...

8. Those buns went full horror movie, like an evil scientist's experiment begging to be put out of its misery.

9. Good news, bow ties are trendy right now.

10. Pinterest strikes again!

11. One of these things is not like the other.

12. A bird of paradise, this is not.

13. Nicki Minaj does set the bar a bit high.

14. It would be appropriate to make a candy corn cake monstrosity around Halloween, right?

15. Make a fire pit out of the sand at the beach, what a great idea!

16. If only tattoo guns had erasers...

17. Quick, smother them in sauce so nobody knows the difference!

18. Lots of hope on display here, but now it needs some change.

19. This, right here, is why you just buy art.


Author: verified_user