Thursday, November 10, 2016

17 Terrible Photoshops That Will Make You Laugh More Than You Should

I used to think that people lost a lot of their imagination and creativity when they got older, but thanks to some of the idiots I've stumbled upon online, I'm happy to say that adult creativity is alive and well. A lot of people turn to the internet to recreate themselves into the type of person they want to be in real life. That's fine and all, but I really wish these fine folks took an online Photoshop class or something...

1. Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games...

I seriously can't tell if those are his real arms or not.

2. Summer is all about them motorcycle mamas!

Jorge definitely doesn't know that though, seeing as he hasn't left his computer room in a month. 

3. Damnnnnnnn, those Jordans are tight, son!

Wait a minute...

4. All Georgie wanted for his 12th birthday was a car.

And goddammit, Georgie gets what Georgie wants.

5. Ohhhh, girl, tell me your secret!

I want a body that looks like a lava lamp too!

6. Puberty hit Leslie like a brick.

Seriously, how is she not falling over?

7. Have you heard the good word?!

JC is having a party! We'll provide the frankincense, but don't forget to bring your own myrrh!

8. The internet is a great place to find that special someone.

Just ask Josh and Angelica. 

9. Um, their eyes are up here, ladies...

But I wouldn't even bother looking for a brain.

10. Some guys like skipping leg day at the gym.

Not Bruce...

11. Don't believe this kid's tummy tat...

That ink is anything but legit.

12. And what's the deal with jet lag?

Making half of your body vanish and stuff...COME ON, JET LAG, BE COOL FOR ONCE!

13. We all know you're lying, Kimi...

This was totally taken at the BEGINNING of summer 2k12. Gawd...

14. All the ladies know Cool Jim.

He's the guy with the cool sunglasses!

15. The only downside is that she can't blink anymore...

Oh — and the fact that everyone thinks she's a liar now. 

16. It's great to have a friend who knows how to use Photoshop.

This guy wouldn't know though.

17. This poor kid is so buff he can't even find a shirt that fits!

Careful what you wish for, buddy.


Author: verified_user