Every now and then, you'll hear a story about the amazing things people find in their homes. They can range from secret rooms to priceless artwork, but not every find has to be so grand to be important.
And that's what an Iowa theater owner found out when he was renovating his business.
It was a plastic wallet. And a little calendar inside helpfully told him it was last seen in 1944, making the wallet over 70 years old. To give you an idea of how old that really is, the owner's phone number was '8' when he had lost it. Just '8'.
Sloan wondered whether the wallet's owner was still alive, but he was keen to find out. He was a private investigator before he bought the Talent Factory, so he put his skills to use once again and tracked down 85-year-old Clare McIntosh.
Watch what happens when McIntosh is reunited with a memento he didn't even know he owned.