Saturday, October 29, 2016

20 Times The Internet Was A Savage Lawless Wasteland

I like to think of the internet as a kind of ocean in that, most of the time, there doesn't seem to be any laws that govern its open waters. I suppose people also tend to pollute it with a lot of crap, but that's beside the point...On the internet, people do and say whatever they want, and most of the time, it's delightfully, ruthlessly, and brutally savage! 

1. Gotta get his attention somehow

2. Amazon ripped off his idea 

3. Who really got played? 

4. You do you

Whoever made the next one should think about repenting...

5. The crew's lookin' old

6. If only all memes could be this great 

7. Sorry to interrupt but...

8. Haaayy girl

When it comes to dating, the internet has no rules...

9. Not bad logic 

10. If you don't get it, I'm not explaining 

11. Sounds like a fun game

12. Oh my lord! The drama! 

Up next, proof the internet has ruined us all...

13. It's okay, the internet has made us allhate ourselves 

14. Accurate. Very accurate 

15. It's only savage because of how terrible the pun is

16. Proof that savage is truly an art form 

17. When "no" is the only answer.

18. Welp, I guess that's one way to get a divorce?

19. This is why people should stay single. Boyfriends ruin everything. 

JK. Sometimes they buy you food and stuff.

20. It's always a nice feeling.


Author: verified_user