Sunday, August 7, 2016

MRI Shows The Inside Of An Opera Singer's Mouth During A Song

Usually, if you are going into an MRI scanner, it's for medical reasons and isn't fun at all. If it's for research purposes, though, anything could be going on in the scanner. A few years ago, a video went viral of two people having sex in a scanner! You can find that link on your own. Music researchers at Freiburger Institute for Musician's Medicine wanted to try something less explicit with real-time MRI, but arguably, equally as cool. They wanted to know what it looks like inside the mouth of an opera singer as they sing. 

In the video above, there is a brief silence, and then BAM, you are hit with some Wagner and a fantastic view of the tongue vibration dynamics required to sing opera. Not only is the tongue going to town, but you can also clearly see how the opera singer, Michael Volle, modulates the width of his airway to produce a range of beautiful tones. Be sure to turn the volume up for this one!

SHARE this incredible video article with your Facebook friends. They have to see this real-time MRI cross-section of an opera singer in action.


Author: verified_user