Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Mom Loses Over 150 Pounds And Becomes Cosplay And Pinup Queen She Dreamed Of

We all have goals. 

Whether it's to be fitter, smarter, richer, kinder, calmer — we all have things we want to work on. We all have changes we could or would make. But life has this hilarious way of coming in and distracting you at every chance it gets.

Tomorrow. You'll work harder tomorrow. You'll figure it out tomorrow. You'll care more tomorrow.

Tomorrow becomes today and today all too often gets wasted on other worries. It's a story we know all too well. 

And it's not until something comes along and wakes us up until we realize we're the only one who's standing in our way.

SHARE this story to remind everyone they are capable of more than they give themselves credit for.

1. This is Casey Gemmell's incredible story. 

It's the story of how one mother-of-three transformed her life for the better after looking at just one photo. 

2. Her story starts before she ever saw the photo, though.

In fact, it starts years before. 

3. It starts with her first pregnancy. Looking back, it's easy to pin-point this as the time things really changed for her. 

You see, ever since then, Gemmell has steadily been packing on pounds.

4. She had no idea how much weight she'd gained.

She'd decidedly stopped weighing herself when she reached size 28. She says she was embarrassed.

5. "I knew that I’d gained a bit of mum tum over the years, but in my head, it wasn’t that bad."

Her son's first birthday party changed her mind on this matter. You see, a cosplay fan herself, Gemmell was beyond excited to dress up for the superhero theme.

6. She was excited, that is, until she realized her 5XL costume wouldn't fit. She improvised and was still left unhappy with the results:

"When I first saw the party photos, I didn’t think it was me. I looked nothing like BatGirl, it was more like ‘FatGirl’."

She didn't post a photo of the costume this time around.

7. She knew then and there she had to make a change.

For years, pleasing her children with food was a main focus: "We’d eat whatever we wanted and I often 'treated' us to takeaways. This continued over the years when I went on to have Willow and Xavier. I knew I was gaining weight, but in my head, mums were meant to be cuddly."

8. She didn't want to be the cuddly mum anymore, though.

Enough was enough for her: she wanted to look the way she felt. 

9. She wanted to be the batgirl she felt she was inside.

Her transformation would be tricky as she'd grown used to "sneaking food."

"I’d pretend to throw away the kids scraps in front of Julian, but I always ate them. If I went out to get KFC dinner for the family, I’d often buy myself a chicken burger and eat it in the car on the way home."

10. She knew that if she really wanted to reach her goals, she'd have to stop with the leftovers.

She'd have to stop eating what her children wouldn't. 

11. She'd have to say goodbye to junk food and sugary drinks, too.

Let me be clear here: this is no easy feat for a busy mom!

12. Inspired to change, Glemmell downloaded a running app. At first, she didn't have much faith, but she had her goals to help her along.

"At first, I had no faith in the app or myself. The first run I went on, I didn’t even last 30 seconds without getting out of puff. But slowly, I improved, and that was enough to keep me motivated."

13. Her life began to change with every salad she chose over chicken burger, with every run, with every day she put her goals first.

These daily decisions had the biggest pay-offs. 

14. As she reached her goals, she created more. She just kept pushing herself.

"Whenever I feel like giving up I ask myself "what would Ronda do?" She would never give up!!!!! Thank you for being my inspiration and never giving up!!! @rondarousey #rondarousey #rowdy4life #looseweightfeelgreat #66kilosdownandcounting"

15. "As I became slimmer, it became a goal of mine to fit into the costume I’d been busting out of. I dedicated myself to my target and ran every day, eating only salads and lean meats for dinner. Junk food was dead to me."

The dedicated effort paid off — so much so that the costume was now much too large for her. She rigged it up with a belt. 
All these changes inspired her to do something else too...check it out on the next page. 

16. "At the convention, I posed for photos with my family — in full heroine gear — it was a real first for me. It was such an amazing achievement."

The achievement led her to try something else as well. 

17. Since losing the weight, Gemmell has been posing pin-up style too! 

Her outfits often combine the pin-up style with her love of superheroes too. You'll see this next. 

18. Goals achieved. This mom is healthier, happier, and slaying the cosplay and pinup look! 

SHARE to show others that hard work definitely does pay off!

h/t kidspot


Author: verified_user