Tuesday, August 16, 2016

16 People Making An Already Bad Commute Worse

I'll be honest. I definitely have a case of road rage when I drive. It's not like I'm the world's best driver or anything, either. I just really like micromanaging people. So when I can see how if one person moves a lane over, five other people can prosper, I have no choice but to yell and wave my arms to absolutely no one in particular with the hopes that someone knows what I'm going through.

So it's probably a good thing that I don't really drive all that often anymore. Being a bus passenger has really put my mind at ease, plus I have an obvious excuse as to why I'm constantly late. Now, if I get a raise, I can get a car, and maybe show up on time. So in the grand scheme of things, I may have made the best fiscal decision of my life!

1. This seems like a blatant cover-up 

2. You'll never know what could have been if you don't ask

3. Story of my life

4. Frankly, the tires were a dead giveaway 

5. Words of wisdom

6. There's really no need to brag

7. Imagine getting cut off by this monstrosity! 

8. I bet if I follow him, I won't have to pay any Troll Tolls

9. Of course, public transportation has its own problems

10. You can usually spot the first-time commuters  

11. Sometimes people are just laughing at you for no good reason. People are jerks

12. Even our furry friends have a tough time getting to work on time 

13. Sometimes the signs can be...misleading 

14. I'd still be mad, but I'd understand

15. If I crashed into this, game over. I'd just go home and cry

16. This guy just ruins everything 


Author: verified_user