Saturday, June 18, 2016

16 Pics From The Planet NOPE

It's creepy, it's crawly and it's both creepin' and crawlin' 'round every corner! When you stumble upon spiders, snakes, bugs, and various other jump-worthy sights, you know you've landed on planet nope. The real scary thing? That planet is Earth...

1. The best part of waking up

2. Let's just go out for lunch...

3. And for dessert? 

At least they're not raisins, amirite?

4. These are for ear protection... or infection, not quite sure which.

5. Okay, Moses, we'll let your people go now...

6. It's times like these that I'm glad gas stations are so flammable

7. Great, now we've got a backseat driver...

8. Hold it right there, buddy! You don't belong on land...

9. Where are my keys? You know what, never mind.

10. Yep, I'd say that's fair

11. I guess it's no better on the outside, either...

12. Well, I guess biking is better for the environment, anyway...

13. Try explaining this one to the dentist

14. Will. Never. Be. Clean.

15. Dude, I think you've got crabs...

Or at least, acrab.

16. But if my dad taught me anything, it's to always keep your snake clean...


Author: verified_user