Thursday, May 19, 2016

Find The Dog In This Image

There's something oddly appealing about completing a brain teaser, puzzle, or finding something hidden within an image. Not only is it extremely amusing, but it also serves as an effective method for passing time. If you've grown up anytime in the past fifty years, it's pretty likely that you've played "I Spy," or "Where's Waldo." If you haven't, just know that you're missing out — but that's okay, because there's more to life than finding a guy in a red and white striped outfit (why is everything matching?). Recently, a picture with a lot of cows (and a dog) has been garnering quite a bit of attention, so let's get to it!
Know anyone that loves puzzles? SHARE this with them!

Are you ready to be puzzled? Hah. Hahaha.

Let's get started! Can you find the dog in the picture below? If not, keep scrolling!

It's a doozy, I know. If you can't find it, just know that you're not alone.

You can continue on and laugh at my struggle to find the dog amongst the tens of cows.

This was my first guess, but I can tell you it was wayyyy off. Those horns definitely look like ears, though (I'm watching you, cow).

Then I suspected this fella back here. Look at how suspicious it looks? Again, wrong...

Turns out he was right here all along... Well, I feel silly. 

Oh well, at least we still found it, right? That's what counts.

Know anyone that loves puzzles? Don't forget to SHARE this with them!


Author: verified_user