Celebrities are very talented people for the most part. They are the best of the best in their chosen field, whether it is acting, singing, dancing or comedy. Their day to day job is to be the best at their specific talents, so we would excuse them for not really being good at anything else. As it turns out, many of them have other impressive talents and hobbies. Here are some of the strangest, scariest and unexpected talents from your favorite celebs.
1. Chloë Grace Moretz
Remember the adorable 12-year-old who played Hit-Girl in the 2010 film Kick-Ass? Well it turns out that there is no knife twirling stunt double for pre-teen girls, so Moretz had to learn to flip that butterfly knife around all by herself. Though the blade was dulled, she apparently cut herself numerous times while learning because those things are not made for kids.
2. Angelina Jolie
Speaking of knives, Angie is pretty good with them too. She learned to handle butterfly knives as a teen at Renaissance Fairs, but perfected her talent of knife throwing while filming movies like Lara Croft and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. She has a large knife collection of her own, and has even gotten her oldest son Maddox into collecting. Let's hope with all those kids they both keep them all safely locked up.
3. Chris Colfer
The cutie from Gleeis more than just a pretty face and powerful voice. He can also handle a sai—the three-pronged Japanese martial arts weapon. He picked up a pair on set of the short film Russel Fish and ever since then he's been practicing playing with weapons. He showed off his ninja star throwing skills on the Conan O'Brien show and plays sword twirling during downtime on set.
4. Pierce Brosnan
At an acting workshop, 16-year-old Pierce came across a fire-eater. He was immediately good at it and was hired at a circus that day and worked for three years as a professional fire-eater. He quit following this performance on the Muppets after a minor accident. He wasn't hurt severely, but decided he'd had enough.
5. Conan O'Brien
Long before he became the comedy legend that he is, Conan was a tap dancer. He grew up wanting to be in show business and thought that he needed to learn to tap to be successful. His parents brought him to a studio where he was taught by the protégé of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, and he is a fairly accomplished dancer to this day.
6. Christina Hendricks
This Mad Men star picked up the accordion in 2005 because she thought it was a beautiful solo instrument to play. It ended up being featured in the show because producers thought her character Joan should play an instrument and the accordion fit the bill.
7. Geena Davis
Geena Davis is more than just her pretty face. She is a member of Mensa, the high IQ society, and was almost an Olympian in archery. She ranked 24th out of 300 women in 1999 qualifiers for the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000, just shy of making the cut. As you can see, she is still a good shot.
8. Susan Sarandon
This acting superstar is also pretty good at (and a little obsessed with) ping pong. So good in fact, that she is the co-founder and co-owner of SPiN—a series of bar/restaurants around the world that combine gourmet food and ping pong.
9. Harrison Ford
The 72-year-old actor is known for his action roles, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that he is a pilot. He started learning in the 1960's but couldn't afford to continue. In 1990, he picked up the hobby again and now is able to fly airplanes and helicopters and owns a private 800-acre space in Wyoming with an airstrip. And because he is Harrison Ford, he often helps out local authorities with emergency helicopter services for rescuing stranded hikers. He was in an accident around 2:30 pm on March 6th, 2015 when the engine gave out on his small plane, but he escaped with only minor injuries.
10. Leslie Mann
When she was 10 years old, she got her hands on a unicycle and loved it. She got really good at riding it forwards, backwards and over curbs, and can still do it to this day. As a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, she showed off her unique talent.
11. Bruce Willis
Did you know this Die Hard star is also a musician? He put out an album titled The Return of Bruno that was surprisingly successful. He is a skilled harmonica player and has even played on stage with B.B. King.
12. Halle Berry
This stunning actress has a secret talent for the flute. She played throughout high school and can still pick it up and play a song.
13. Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise
Yes, they are a duo, but when they were married, this duo used to enjoy playing speed Scrabble together. This version gives players about 5 minutes to play a full game. If you've ever played, you know that it takes some people five minutes to play one hand, so they were quick!
14. Mayim Bialik
The child star from Blossomnot only plays a neuroscientist on TV, but she is one in real life. Bialik earned her Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA in 2007 after she completed a dissertation on Prader-Willi syndrome. So next time you see Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Band Theory discussing medical terms, know that Mayim knows exactly what she is talking about.
15. Beyoncé
Queen Bey is already a superstar talent in singing, dancing and being an icon in general. But she is also a champion at Connect 4. Yeah, that Connect 4. The one you played as a kid with the black and red discs. It is her favorite game and she rarely loses. (We think she let Kanye win here—just look at her face!)
16. Bob Barker
The former host of The Price Is Right is probably known for his hosting and his animal rights work, but what he should be known for is karate. He learned martial arts from Walker Texas Ranger star and personal friend, Chuck Norris. Bob Barker learned to fight from Chuck Norris. That fight scene in Happy Gilmore seems a little more realistic now, doesn't it?