Thursday, April 14, 2016

40 Pics That Are As Slick As A Skateboard Trick

I'll be honest with you guys, I've never skateboarded a day in my life.

It's not that I didn't like it, because I thought everyone else who did it looked really cool — but I just knew myself. Like, you have to have good balance and quick reaction time to be a good skateboarder, and I'd have to be seriously deluding myself to think I've got either.

So, as you might imagine, my skateboarding days basically consisted of playing Tony Hawk, but at least I got to be Spider-Man in that, so I felt pretty satisfied.

But if you remember actually skateboarding outside with people, I hope these 40 funny pics give us some common ground.  

1. Yeah, a happy Gollum isn't much better than an angry Gollum when he's creeping up like that.

Wherever this roving prankster is now, they're probably wearing sunglasses with "deal with it" written on them and are somehow pulling them off. 

2. Yeah, it's hard to keep your eye on your cooking when you've gotta hide your phone from the guards.

That's probably why Ramsay didn't totally tear it down. He's grading on a curve.

3. Haha, nothing left to do at that point but grab the popcorn.

By the time it's over, you'll definitely look at their entire families differently.

4. I don't know...if they're committed enough to eat dog food all day, they've earned their spot.

That's a lot of snouts you've gotta choke down, you know.

5. So what's the tutorial here, how to make things awkward for everybody?

I think a lot of us can just do that naturally, but whatever.

6. There's nothing like cooking your franks over some sulfur and igneous rock 

I'm sure it gives them a distinguished "ashy" taste...

7. For me, this is what it's like until anyone else enters the room.

Then I just pretend I'm totally fine no matter how obvious it is that I'm not. Basically, if I was in a zombie movie, I'd be the guy who gets bitten and doesn't tell the group about it.

8. Hmm, would the food be happy or sad that I'm not eating as much of it?

I know they answer this in Sausage Party, but like, the food probably hasn't seen the movie though. Makes you think.

They'll never suspect a thing.

9. "And the craziest thing, the dog farted at the exact same time." 

Yeah, that smile doesn't get any less uncomfortable the more you hold it.

10. I don't know, I think he's just looking for his missing hand.

And now he's probably really worried that you're dancing all over it, so well done there.

11. Well, at least I know what I'm being slimed with this time.

I wonder who would be harder to keep under wraps, though?

12. I wonder if there's anything in there about getting your drive-thru order wrong.

"And should they ask for extra sauce, I pledge to proudly roll my eyes."

Yeah, I got directions from the caveman.

13. Wow, what do you pay your late fees with, gold doubloons? 

If it's made it this far, this place is probably still gonna be standing by the time everything's gotten nice and MadMax-y.

14. Review of the year.

15. Seeing this makes me realize that it doesn't matter what a "libera" is supposed to be.

Because whether you're a liberal, a Libra, or a library, I think we can all agree that actually managing to do this is totally rad.

16. What that beak do?

Who can resist a double scoop of rocky road cookie dough? This bird certainly cant.

Yeah, you gotta respect that.

17. I mean, kicking him out would be like kicking out Stuart Little at this point.

You just can't knock the hustle.

18. Yeah, this is why it always takes me so long to finish one.

Like, I can totally love a book and it'll seem like someone is forcing me to read it.

19. I guess it was so difficult that you couldn't even think of a new catchphrase.

Of course, that takes brain power and this hard thing is using all of it up.

20. For real, does she think we're bringing three entire football teams along or something?

Well, I guess I won't have to worry about what I'm gonna eat for like a month.

And if you weren't planning on eating it all, well...

21. Yeah, it turns out that stuff that's bad for me tastes really good.

Haha, who knew, right?

22. There's nothing better than a day of sightseeing with the girls

Sometimes your surroundings are so beautiful they just take your breath away!

23. Aww, right during my favorite part of the song, too.

I always felt that it needed a random blood-curdling shriek to really make the last verse pop.

24. Yeah, I never really got that one as a kid.

Like, we both know how this is gonna end, so why kid ourselves?

25. Everyone loves puppy kisses. I wouldn't go this far, though.

Dogs are like men: they're dogs. Seriously, boy, you could've at least bought her dinner first, know what I mean?

26. The seagull says, "Yoink!"

Yep, these crafty seagulls are getting more and more ruthless every day! Now that they've got another hat for their collection I bet they'll be going after our sunglasses.

27. I guess history really does repeat itself.

These "ancient murals" are more prophetic than we ever imagined. Thank you for descending, O fluffy one. Let us paws in respect right meow.

28. Dylan, you're a genius, and so close to reaching "dad joke" status.

29. There's always that one friend...

30. Who wore it better?

31. I know a few people who wouldn't even be mad.

Me on the other hand, I'd be pretty upset if someone did this.

32. Of course you are...

I'm pretty positive that these people hear that joke the 6 days a week that they're open.

33. I have so many questions.

34. Ah, young love.

I guess she didn't say what they finish each other's sentences with.

35. The horror.

It's wrong that I laughed at this, isn't it? I don't care, those unicorn fraps were terrible.

36. I always wanted a watch.

Maybe one day this person will trade their watch for a better quality camera.

37. "LOLz".

You sure showed them!

38. And on the plus side, it's actually closer to the truth than it was in the movie.

I said closer because it's actually a dent, not a scratch.  

39. Now this is what I call making the best of a bad situation.

Let's hope that both parties are aware of the sale and it's not some bitter revenge situation.

40. I'm not gonna lie, this is pretty sweet.

I'm not going to question where this family obtained two realistic looking skeletons.


Author: verified_user