Thursday, April 14, 2016

30 People That Refuse To Play By The Rules

Who cares what people think?

Well, almost everyone does. But at a certain point, we have to forget about the expectations and judgments and just live our lives. 

Maybe that means flipping off your boss, maybe it means eating cake for dinner, maybe it means eating cake out of the garbage — because sometimes living our best life means being our baddest self... 

1. This person who knows exactly how to wind down after a long day

Name something more relaxing than the scent of dehydrated chicken stock and the feel of noodles on your bare thighs. I'll wait.

2. This turtle who dares to dream big 

It's good to have aspirations for what you want to be when you grow up! And you can't get role-models any better than this!

3. This person and their bouquet of lizards 

Nothing ups the romance factor like a freshly picked bunch of cold-blooded scaly things! And they come in so many beautiful colors!

4. This beluga who will NOT be disrespected 

You think you're tough just 'cause you got legs?! You think you're so great 'cause you got opposable thumbs?! Then stop spilling your damn oil in my hood! 

5. These complete lunatics in it for the sick thrills

I'm getting anxious just looking at this. I can't even watch the Jaws franchise with my feet dangling off the couch. You can never be too careful...

6. This rebel without a damn cause 

Not only is this highly illegal and highly dangerous, it's also no way to thank Chipotle for finally making guac free! Youths these days!

7. This gorilla who breaks it down like nobody's watching 

At least I think he's dancing. It could be that he's practicing some very aggressive form of synchronized swimming.

8. I'm sensing a trend here — the beginnings of some kind of violent revolution...

There will be anarchy and chaos! Traditional authority will be dismantled! The streets will run red with soda fountain Fanta!

9. This smooth operator who knows all the ladies love a bad boy

A bad boy in possession of a deluxe sausage if you know what I mean...nudge, nudge, wink, wink...

10. This kid and his exotic staycation 

Sometimes, the best kind of vacation is right in your own backyard...or in a nasty public fountain full of spare change and pigeon poop. 

11. This person who's clearly an anarchist at heart

Apparently, it's apples to oranges when you have no gods, no rulers, and no regard for social institutions! Also, dude, you had one job!

12. This guy who's so clever, it's scary 

He just changed the bacon frying game and consequently the world (and our lives) forever! I guess some people are just born geniuses!

13. This person who just did pizza the ultimate disrespect

This is horrific. How could anyone do such a thing?! Look at those sad little pepperonis! Look at that soggy crust!

14. This person who is clearly very, very disturbed 

What is with all this pizza abuse, people? Is it all some kind of sick joke?! What is our society coming to?!


This is what happens when the human race goes too far! This is the collapse of order and the utter destruction of all we hold dear.

16. This individual who decided to get experimental with their pizza

Let it be known that 2017 was the year all of civilization's morals eroded, humanity imploded, and the world slipped into chaos.

17. This person who has a blatant disregard for the rules of twist, lick, dunk

How could they? You can dip that in milk now! The milk will get all those little black crumbs in it! Oh the humanity!

18. This kid who proved the smartest people think outside the box...or quadrilateral, if you will

If you ask me, Bob and Cate are much nicer names than Rhombus or Square. 

19. This Chipotle trailblazer who knows that you can't always be great and be loved

You know this person is definitely infamous at their local Chipotle and (I'm guessing) highly disliked...

20. This man who dared to think

An idea can be one of the most powerful and dangerous things in the world! But at least the meter maid can't ticket them!

21. This guy who was like, "Nahhh, bruh. I know a better way to eat it"

The dude is hardcore! If he's gonna get brain freeze, he wants to feel it in his fingers too!

22. This person who ignored the rules of the road...or parking lot

Those lines are just suggestions, so I guess technically she's done nothing wrong...except for the damage to those two windshields...

23. This person who has no respect for the sanctity of breakfast 

This isn't just anarchy, people, this is pure, unadulterated evil! To make it even worse, it's chocolate cereal! At least use fruity pebbles or something! 

24. This person who's made it their mission to lead our youth astray with their misguided tutorials 

The children are the future, but this future looks like a very dark one indeed...

25. This roommate who decided to play dirty 

I guess this is what happens when you haven't unloaded the dishwasher in two weeks and your roommate has developed a deep hatred for you and wants revenge.

26. This girl who couldn't part with her fidget spinner, even on prom night

Spinning a piece of plastic around all night is probably a lot less awkward than trying to spin around your date on the dance floor. 

27. This bad-to-the-bone duo who just want to see the world burn 

Also, notice how they've mixed gingham and horizontal stripes without any care for how they clash and hurt the eyes! 

28. The seriously misguided individual who introduced lime peeling in to the world 

I have to admit, I kind of like the way they look. I kind of want to try it...I'm being seduced by the dark side!

29. This goat who's badder than all y'all 

It's not just climbing on those rocks, it's made those rocks its home. That goat isn't going anywhere, and I pity the fool who tries to make it.

30. This unpatriotic punk with no love for 'Merica! 

On second thought, perhaps they're just an overly patriotic British punk...ahh well, regardless. God save the Queen and so on...


Author: verified_user