Monday, April 4, 2016

14 Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eaters Who Got Caught Just In Time For Halloween

In case you haven't already figured this out, the key to a happy life is trusting no one, especially yourself. Relationships in general are just ticking time bombs comprised solely of regret, self-loathing and the basic biological instincts that you are trying so hard to ignore. I learned long ago that if I expect less from people, I'm often less disappointed. This is just science. 

As a child of divorce, I am perfectly qualified to tell you that love is not a fairytale. It's work. Many people shack up with some random because they are afraid to stand on their own two feet. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you came into this world alone and you will likely depart in the same manner (probably exponentially less cute than when you arrived, but alone nonetheless). That being said, being single is definitely much better than being hitched to some attention-seeking compulsive liar with bad taste in music. Just think, at least you won't have to wear that awful couples costume this Halloween. 

No one knows how to handle a cheater better than Jennifer Aniston herself. 

If there was ever proof that karma is a vengeful force with no expiry date, it is the highly anticipated corrosion of Brangelina's short but influential reign. You know what they say, what goes up must also come down.

1. This is the perfect game for the players out there. 

2. At least her disclaimer is much clearer than the iTunes disclaimer. 

3. It's the thought that counts.

As if taking the train wasn't already painful enough, the guy in #6 somehow made it much worse.

4. Apparently if you get enough Facebook likes, you are magically transformed into a better person. 

No need to donate to local charities or volunteer, simply beg shamelessly on Facebook for likes and you'll get to skip the line at the pearly gates.

5. Actually, I think it's the other way around.

6. This is the textbook definition of shameless. 

Check out #9 and find out why it's all fun and games until your car becomes someone's notepad.

7. Warning: if you're not discrete, prepare to feel the heat. 

8. Sharing is caring, right?

9. Dear Dave,

I guess you shouldn't have crossed Nikki.



If you want to throw some shade but not stoop too low, check out #12.

10. She just wanted to keep her options open. 

11. Psych! 

12. Throwing shade in the nicest way. 

#14 will give another meaning to the term "curve ball."

13. This is why curtains should never be used as an indicator of your relationship status. 

14. When you're just watching the game, but you get a curve ball anyway.

Please don't take me out to the ballgame. 

If we've learned anything from Jen, it's to move on and move up.


Author: verified_user