Wednesday, March 30, 2016

15 Amazing Home Products That Do Double Duty

Isn't it amazing what one or two little tweaks can do? Add one thing to another, make a slight alteration, even just look at a thing from a new angle, and an ordinary object becomes completely new again. There are designers working hard behind the scenes to remake the world, and to be honest, there's more room for improvement than I ever would have suspected. The sooner these things replace the common items around the house, the better. I want to be able to take all of these for granted!

1. This outlet cover doubles as a nightlight.

2. The stairs at Robson Square in Vancouver have a ramp designed into them.

3. Because disabled people have babies too!

4. Nobody likes having to get up to change the roll.

5. A plug that's easy to unplug and glows to remind you that it's plugged in? Why isn't this on everything?

6. Finally, a way to get ALL of the toothpaste out of the tube.

7. Show of hands, how many wish they had bunk beds with built-in shelving when they were kids?

8. This piano got a beautiful second life as a desk.

9. A less obtrusive way for your cat to be the center of attention.

10. Get a glimpse into the next room through this glass doorknob!

Probably best to use with caution.

11. An all-purpose organized carrying case disguised as delicious flat bread.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

12. This bike, designed by student Kevin Scott, bends around a post to make it harder to steal.

13. The future we've all been waiting for is finally here.

14. A swing that parents and their babies can enjoy at the same time.

15. One of those times you'd buy the booze just for the bottle.

Main/Collage image via Facebook / Del Mar Company, Inc.


Author: verified_user