So if you've got a rough patch going on right now, these 16 examples of girlfriend struggles should show you that we understand.
1. So what, you just wanted to go to the club and have a good time?
Hahaha, life loves crushing little dreams like that.
2. Yeah, 'cause that's gonna get me out of the shower faster.
3. You know things are really bad if she deletes it.
4. Get catty for no good reason and you need to be called on it.
That mean girl crap ain't cute.
5. We can handle decorations, but not if they low key burn the house down.
Also, might need our mail. Just a thought.
6. Damn, be easy.
It ispossible to have friends, you know.
7. Now, that ain't necessary.
I mean, I can't be that bad, or you wouldn't have got with me in the first place, right?
8. Come on folks, you gotta be honest. This ain't a résumé.
Speaking of honesty, let's face our problems head on, OK?
And you might wanna be careful if you think locking your phone is the answer.
13. Well, well, well, I wonder how this could've happened?
And you've got real problems if your phone erases everything after you enter the wrong password 10 times.
14. That's clever and everything, but $58 is some expensive revenge.
15. See? This is a lot easier and will get under her skin even more.
16. Yo, dude just erased her from existence!
The breakup must really suck when it's got you going all Back to the Future.