For me, Black Friday seems like a personalized nightmare. I can't really handle crowds well, so I've never participated in this, uh, "tradition," if you will. On the other hand, scooping up a nice TV for 20 bucks ain't bad either.
But whether you love or hate Black Friday, it's here to stay. We might as well have a laugh about it!
1. Ah, yes, the all-too-real irony of the day's date.
I'm mostly thankful that I'm not smooshed in with any of the crazy shopper types. I like remaining untrampled — thanks tho.
2. I mean, where do you find the energy to go out in the first place?
If you're still able to move after a turkey dinner, you're not full enough! Eat!
3. All this is assuming we can afford to hit up Black Friday in the first place.
Sure, these stores have crazy deals — but I can't even afford to pay attention!
4. Hey, yeah, where are all my friends suddenly gettin' Black Friday money from?
Oh, so you're goin' out to get an Xbox, but you hit me up for popcorn money at the movies? Smh.
5. Are the deals on Black Friday reallythat great in the fist place?
It's like we'll buy pretty much anything if it's dropped in price! I'd avoid that printer, though.
6. Oh, well never mind. Apparently, the deals are absolutely insane over there!
I knew cereal had been going up in price, but that's ridiculous! Better stock up for winter, amirite?
7. At first, this looks like any other Black Friday crowd...then you see it!
Yep, it looks like even Batman himself struggles to maintain peace in Gotham during Black Friday madness.
8. Some people say Black Friday should be broadcast to everyone — like The Hunger Games!
I mean, it's not that far off, is it? I've seen less brutality in those movies.
9. It's everyone for themselves out there!
Not just in the store, but obviously in the parking lot, too. It's pure madness! Come on, people, what are you thinkin' parking like this?
10. The buildup of crowds — it never ends.
Kinda horrifying that it's almost hard to tell this shot is from World War Z. Add a little logo and there's barely a difference.
11. We know there's going to be a ton of madness again this year, so just do the right thing, everyone.
Make sure it's really good quality before tweeting it out.
12. See? Look at this embarrassingly sad image.
I can't believe they held the phone up vertically! Let's have some decency when you're capturing and sharing images of human depravity, please.
13. You either get through it fast or get left behind!
Lord help whoever ends up grabbin' that last TV, man. Suddenly, you become public enemy number one. Ya better bolt!
14. Or I guess you could get carried away and just lose track of time.
If the deals really areworth it, you might as well make the most out of being there.
15. Am I the only one who feels really, really bad for the people who have to work there during that day?
If you're a retail employee, cheers! You deserve a raise.
16. And, really, it might seem like there are good deals and all, but maybe we just need to save money in the first place.
I know I sure do. Probably gonna freeze my assets, literally.