Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hibernating Through Winter Sounds Pretty Good

Winter is one of those magical times where life feels like a movie, because everything is adorned in lights and decoration and everyone is happier than usual. But it also happens to be cold most places, which kinda makes me want to curl up in a little ball and sleep. Imagine, instead of making an effort to go out and brave the brutal winds, donning a pair of warm flannel pajamas, making hot cocoa, and do nothing. 

All. Season. Long.

Current mood.

To be honest, this is all I want until, like, April. Let me go back to sleep forever and do nothing and worry about responsibilities and all that boring stuff later.

Oops, I keep doing that. 

Who needs dating apps when I have my bed? Screw love, forget cuffing season, all I need for this upcoming winter season is a nice, warm bed to curl into and never get out of. 

Reasons I lovewinter fashion!

This is honestly my favorite look, especially for the cold, harsh months of winter, but anytime of the year works, really. What a statement: That statement is that I'm going back to bed, goodnight.

Determination and perseverance. 

You can make a bed anywhere as long as you give it enough effort and imagination. Bench in the park? Bed. Sledding on a snowy mountain? Goodnight. Middle of a coffee shop? Wake me up later.

Save the date!

Seriously, though, does anyone know when it officially begins? Because eating a whole heck of a lot of food and then passing tf out for a solid few months sounds like a golden plan to me.

Solution: wake up for a minute, then fall back asleep.

Waking up is the worst, which is one of the reasons I'm electing not to do it this month. Or next month. Or the month after that.

How do you like to spend the coldest months? I'll wake up when Santa gets here, but after that, I'm out.


Author: verified_user