Thursday, January 21, 2016

28 People Who Could Use A Nice, Long Nap

We all have those days where life just seems like too much. Maybe you got a flat tire on the way to work, your alarm didn't go off, or you spilled your coffee all over your white shirt. Hey, maybe all of them happened. Whatever it is, we all have those days when we just want to cash in and take a nap. 

1. This guy who got his finger stuck in the wall at Chipotle.

I hate it when I walk in for some food and end up stuck because my hand is lodged in a hole.

2. And this girl, who thought a chili recipe was more impressive than her CV.

Under skills, do you see where I said I can dice an onion in under a minute?

3. Whoever made this anti-scissor stealing contraption that is so close to working.

If only the scissors weren't, you know, scissors, this would be perfect. Alas, I have a feeling this didn't stop the thief.

4. Anyone who thought they were getting a solid deal on some affordable furniture, only to find it.

Maybe if I don't put alllll my weight on it, it will hold?

5. All of us who just want some water and have to go through a whole OS update.


6. Anyone who has literally fallen from the ceiling when you were just trying to live your life in peace.


7. This sweet dad who thought he was getting exotic flowers for his wife on the most romantic day of the year.

Hey, in his defense, at least she can eat them. 

8. This poor girl who found herself in a sticky situation. 

Because nothing says, "Can I please just take a nap and forget this happened?" like getting your head stuck at a bus station.

9. This tired caption writer who just wanted to make sure everyone knew who Robert was.

I mean, from looking at him, the first thing I think is "glasses" as well.

10. Anyone who commits to something before proofreading it. 

Whether it's a text, a tattoo, or a tweet, triple-checking your grammar is something you will never regret. Not checking it, however...

11. The exhausted person who forgot that MRI machines are actually giant magnets.

And you thought you had a hard time telling your boss you made a mistake. It's a good thing there was nobody on that bed!

12. The poor, hungry person who wanted a gourmet frozen pizza and now just has a chore. 

The only thing worse than ruining your dinner is ruining your dinner AND your oven. 

13. Anyone who truly needs the sweet, loving embrace of delicious caffeine. 

And anyone who knows the sadness and pain when that caffeine is unexpectedly taken from you. This is legitimately an instant day-ruiner.

14. Anyone who has fallen for the classic dad-day spelling mistake.

Once the icing gets flowing and the alliteration takes control, it's amazing any of us can write "Happy Birthday, Dad!"

15. This overprotective parent who is ending the drug epidemic one mint tin at a time.

PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH, MOM! The only rush you'll get is very minty breath.

16. Anyone who has tried "flaming young" once and tries to go back. 

Because how are you supposed to eat Hamburger Helper after having the finest steak around? It's just not the same.

17. Hannah, who printed the least inconspicuous boarding pass in the history of aviation.

Maybe Claire will print her own ticket the next time she goes on vacation. Or at least she won't ask Hannah to do it.

18. This little gardener who is still getting the hang of the hose.

Honestly, it was a hot day. He just needed to cool off, and no one is blaming him. 

19. This city worker who didn't get his full eight hours.

This is what happens when you have to paint road lines at four in the morning.

1) You're still asleep, and 2) You can't see anything.

20. At some point, the person who installed these lockers must have zoned out.

Now, innocent high schoolers are going to have to draw straws over who gets these terrible lockers.

21. Are you tired or do you just need a geography lesson?

To be fair, if America is the only country in the nation, it would also be (by default) the best country in the nation.

But this is sleepy-person logic.

22. This person who couldn't follow a recipe.

I get it, recipes are boring. I usually glaze over them myself.

But if you entirely forget whether you're making cake or cupcakes, then you probably need to lie down.

23. And this person, who baked their glasses into bread.

Forgetting where you left things is a common symptom of exhaustion.

But this? This is just concerning. 

Also, is that loaf staring at me?

24. If you can't remember what bananas are, you should probably take a break.

I've forgotten words when I'm tired too, but this person must have been exhausted.

They need a two-day long nap.

25. When you're too tired to spell-check.

Please, sir, have a little respect for my favorite childhood breakfast.

...and lunch...and dinner.

You're ruining my fond Pop Tart memories with this shelf label.

26. When even the most obvious questions seem difficult.

And everything feels like a trick question.

This had to be worth at least $1,000, so uh, I'll just be exiting the planet now.

27. Anyone who panics the moment their phone breaks and immediate thinks, "rice."

Because sometimes, unfortunately, carbs aren't exactly the answer. Like when your phone is cracked and not just waterlogged. 

28. Finally, this babysitter who seems to have bitten off a lot more than she can chew.

I thought the job was just watch TV, give them snacks, and send them to bed!


Author: verified_user