Thursday, January 21, 2016

20 People Getting All Worked Up For Nothing

All of us know someone who's always being overdramatic and makes a big deal out of nothing. Though spending time with those people can sometimes be stressful, it can also be hilarious and wildly entertaining. For example, take a look at these folks who got all worked up for nothing.

1. I understand being proud of your pet, but I think this just might be a little over the top. I mean come on. She got her corgi a graduation hat...

2. This neighborhood is a strict no taquito zone. Too many people suffer the harmful affects of secondhand taquito, and quite frankly, Amy isn't going to stand for it any longer.

3. Don't you just hate it when you open the spice cupboard and one of the bottles attacks you? Overdramatic infomercials are one of my all time favorite things to watch.

4. I think she could've just stood her ground and would've been fine. But instead she got caught running from the chicken like it was an ax murderer. It must be getting revenge for all the chicken dinners she's eaten.

5. This may be the pettiest thing I've ever seen. But I suppose this is a better way of handling it than screaming at your waitress over it, which is something that I've witnessed many times in public.

6. Someone please call 911 immediately! She's losing too much blood. If I was her, I would file a lawsuit against the owner of the truck. The hospital bill must've cost a fortune!

7. This is me when I get a splinter in my finger. Her mom probably looked up her symptoms on WebMD and it said she either had a mild cold or was dying. Those are the only two options it gives.

8. Why does this dog look like a little old lady who you would find sitting on a park bench feeding squirrels? I think Dad's being a little too dramatic here.

9. Me any time anyone ever cancels plans with me, for any reason. If she cancels going to the gym with you AND says she doesn't need a ride from the airport, she obviously doesn't want to be in your life.

10. I know a lot of people who are as dramatic as this printer. I would suggest that it print out some smiley faces to cheer itself up, but those are usually yellow...

11. This is the type of parent that I aim to be one day. After all, the mom probably bought the phone, so if she wants to use it to be extra, she can use it to be extra.

12. Here you see the rare "double flop." This is like when two little kids are fighting and as soon as a parent walks in the room, they both start crying to get the other one in trouble.

13. It's Free Cone Day at Dairy Queen again! Better take a photo standing next to the sign so that all of your internet friends know what they missed out on!

14. This sign is out here saving lives. If it wasn't for this warning, can you imagine how many people would've either twisted their ankles or fallen into the massive hole and died?

15. This lady doesn't mess around when it comes to her and her husband's identity protection. Plot twist: he's actually under there installing an illegal card skimmer to steal people's information.

16. I would say this is an overreaction, but it could be justified depending on what brand of salsa it was. I'm not saying this is worthy of a stabbing, but taking all the salsa is definitely unacceptable. 

17. This tweet completely sums up what being on social media is like. I'm surprised she didn't link to a Kickstarter campaign where people can donate to her for no reason.

18. She's crying because her boyfriend beat her in Connect Four in the minimum number of moves. Hopefully they never play Monopoly together. That game has been known to ruin relationships.

19. Well it seems that the label is a little misleading. Hopefully this girl doesn't have to go out in public anytime soon, otherwise she may be mistaken for a flamingo.

20. I think that making a memorial for your son just because he didn't come home for Thanksgiving is a little over the top. I can only imagine what they'd do if he missed Christmas.

21. Lighting is key

Let's be serious, yearbook photos are everything, so why wouldn't you want this to be this perfect? 

22. This our generation's version of "yelling it from a mountain top"

Not everything is meant to be posted on social media.

23. But why?

You live with the person, so they're obviously going to be able to find your social media accounts. At least set it to private.

24. Well, how else are you supposed to spend your Saturday?!

I treat my cats like they're my children, so it's okay if this man treats his dog like his child!

25. Chips don't expire, right?

"Hey, it's your birthday so I got you 8,000,000 bags of your favorite chips!"

26. You do what you got to

Even if that means using your best friend to make other dudes jealous. 

27. Imagine your friends staging a whole photo shoot just because you went on a date.

How dare they go searching for love? So selfish ...

28. A sweater to put all ugly Christmas sweaters to shame

29. No, it's not creepy, it's caring

Sometimes you need to make sure your friends find love and keep it, you know? 

30. Those are not shower curtains, they're drapes from the White House

I get it, the house needs to look nice for guests, but what is this?

31. Didn't I just say lighting is everything? I want to see that pepperoni glisten

Is there even such thing as being too extra when pizza is involved? No. The answer is no.

32. And I barely have the motivation to put on real pants in the morning

This guy is just taking his style game to the next level.

33. That's a lot of effort just for some retweets

Why would someone ever do this to themself? Why would they tarnish the beauty that is Kraft Dinner?

34. Girl, did you just buy ham for the sole purpose of instagraming your mani? 

Sometimes you need to go HAM.

35. When you were the black sheep of the family and everyone needed to know it 

Hey, if that's how they want to express themselves, then whatever.

36. When this mom took her daughter's shoes as punishment

Every kid misbehaves at some point. No need to get so worked up!

37. When this dress happened

"It's my wedding, I need to be an angel. I need to be a princess angel!"

38. Well it's about time

I'm curious as to why someone would wake up and just think "I could really go for some butthole tickling."

39. That time your efforts were ignored 

It's not like it could be an oversight or anything, right? Better blow it out of proportion! 

40. Well la dee da

It's just some coffee, man. Take it easy on the poor server.


Author: verified_user