Tuesday, January 12, 2016

16 Strangely Sensical Somethings That Deserve A Second Thought

When we're super tired, we'll think of all sorts of things that seem like they make perfect sense but are really just full of nonsensical rambling. 

I remember this one time when I was doing an all-night radio show, and after it was over, I thought that a robot uprising could be defeated by a bunch of flights of stairs. I also invented and defined the word "professfermissimitude," but sadly, I don't remember what it was supposed to mean.

But sometimes a little nugget of truth can show up in between all the weirdness. Just when everybody's getting ready to tell us to shut up, they kind of stop and say, "no, you have a point there."

These moments are always a delight, so I'm happy to share these 16 unlikely bits of sense-making in this crazy world. 

1. I guess there's something to be said for liking chickens every step of the way.

With all due respect to the shark from Finding Nemo, they can be friends and food.

2. Hmm, I see. The best way to win is by low-key saying your boss wins.

I feel like we can learn something from this guy.

3. So he wasn't just expressing his love for Papa John's pizza all this time!

Remember, if he doesn't say "come through with those better ingredients," that's a side chick.

4. Sometimes, we just don't know about the sacrifices that go into these things.

If I'm getting up at 5 a.m. for you, you pretty much have to be my favorite person in the world.

The line between the best and worst idea ever is thinner than we think.

5. I'm not sure who's the bigger hero here, Mark Jones or whoever wrote the captions.

Like, I can just feel them shrugging their shoulders and bravely pressing on, telling you about every bark.

6. Well, he's not wrong.

I guess the question is whether she wants a smartman or a cleverman.

7. It's hard to argue with that kind of logic.

I still don't think I could walk into a job interview in short shorts and just wordlessly show them this picture, though. Unless that just speaks more to a lack of confidence than to how possible it is to succeed doing this. Wow, the shirt is right again.

8. I guess it iskind of hard to be scared of sharks when you're just sitting on the couch.

The only thing is you probably won't be watching the screen when that theme starts playing.

Hey, nobody ever said you had to choose between making sense and being a troll.

9. You know, I suppose we really don't read the whole sign before we start doing stuff.

I mean, it's not like they're gonna just trail off and start talking about their pets for the rest of it. 

10. The beauty of this is, there probably aren't a lot of us asking ourselves who this sign is supposed to be for.

There's a pretty good chance you've already dealt with someone who desperately needed it today.

11. When one's literally called "chocolate therapy," that seems like a good guess. 

12. Hmm, I guess that means the worse they smell, the more vengeful the spirit is?

Whoa, this is deeper than I thought.

Is this really what they meant by "street view?"

13. I guess that makes them the only rims that crash before the car does.

14. Huh, I never thought about what a messed up way this is to decorate your restaurant.

Uh...at least they probably wouldn't know what a cooked fish filet looks like?

15. Let's all take a moment to appreciate that this photo would never have reached its potential without that magnifying glass.

The nap and the really loud suitcase put in good assists, but every game needs an MVP.

16. To be fair, they could have time-traveled here from the 1900s.

But I guess then they'd be too impressed by your horseless carriage and that strange little box you keep talking into to notice.


Author: verified_user