Monday, January 11, 2016

16 Awesome Pregnancy Announcements

"HEY MA, I'M PREGNANT!" That's one way to make a pregnancy announcement, sure, but sometimes you'll want a bitmore tact than that. When a newborn's on the way, it's such an exciting time that it deserves to be treated with some fun and creativity! Whether going all out in a photo set up, or subtly playing on words, these expecting couples know how to give a baby shout-out in a big way. Kids are a handful, so let loose while you can. Did you ever announce a pregnancy in a big way? We wanna know about it! So share with us in the comments after seeing these clever folks' big news notices.

1. Here we go again...

Well, the parents seem thrilled. The sisters, however, do not. 

2. The suspense is half the fun!

Will it be a boy or a girl? The stakes have never been higher or cuter! 

3. That's a spicy meatball!

The look on this guy's face is priceless! I also really appreciate the amount of wine he has to get a handle the situation.

4. Welcome to Earf!

Emily was fortunate enough to find this superstar at a coffee shop! Looks like these days parents DO understand.

5. Major Leagues 

Hey there, sports fans! Have we got an announcement for you! This couple's home run has stepped up their family game to the big leagues.

6. Puppy love

This little guy is getting a new best friend! Although he looks indifferent, you can tell he cares by the sign he made. 

7. The Robin to his Batman

It's great to see kids stoked about their forthcoming sibling! This little superhero is sure to create one dynamic duo.

8. There's gonna be HOW many babies?!

Clever pregnancy announcements can show not only the fun and excitement of a newborn, but also the reality. In a way, shared nausea can be a sweet thing, don't ya think?

9. See what they did there?

This announcement will get all your friends to "stop, collaborate, and listen!" A clever visual for everyone who lived through the '90s with Vanilla Ice's only song stuck in their head. 

10. Ka-chunk!

Yeah, sometimes the shock of the announcement hits close to home. This guy either fainted at the prospect of his newborn or was clobbered from behind by her father. 

11. Bun in the oven

Here's a new spin on an old saying. The bonus is getting your kid stoked on having a new sibling by letting them make a mess! 

12. Such is Life

Life sometimes means you just gotta roll the dice, or in this case, spin the spinner. Either way, these people's reference game is on point with this announcement.

13. I choose you!

Here's one for the pregnant nerd couples out there. As parents know, one of the best parts of these little pocket monsters is seeing them evolve!

14. Get your motor running...

This biker couple had an adorable idea for their announcement! Plus that is going to be one badass baby when they ride that bike.

15. Don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello!

Sometimes the best announcements just get down to the truth of the matter — a baby will change your life! Acceptance is the first step. 

16. Smart Kid

This little bookworm is dipping into some heavy reading. That's sure to be one heck of a smart family!

Main image via reddit / kevinthegoose

Collage images via 1. reddit / kevinthegoose 2. reddit / Kgriffin88 3. reddit / chelseabobelsea


Author: verified_user