1. Maxin', relaxin', lookin' like a fool
You know he's trying to google a way to pimp that ride.
2. Or just straight up steal a ride from a kid
"Yeah, Dad, that looks really fun... Think I could have a turn?"
3. What's the password?!
Would a child ownhis very own fortress of impenetrable cushions? Well, no. He also wouldn't try to explode your head with his mind powers, but it's happening here.
4. Who ya gonna call? NOT THIS GUY!
This is why they chose an all female cast for the Ghostbustersremake
5. King of the castle... er — warehouse
Keep out? How do you even get in?
6. I like the ones with pictures!
"But Marmaduke, you're too big for that table," he says ironically.
7. Head-first ball pit dive
"Must...escape...adulthood!" But seriously, if he comes up and says "bazinga," we're kicking him out!
8. They see me floatin'
The water isn't even waist deep, but that's not going to stop this guy from hopping aboard the dolphin express. And I don't have a clue what the other guy's goggles are for...
9. I want to ride my tricycle, I want to ride my triiiike
Mommy wow! I'm a drunk kid now... For real though, don't drink and drive — anything
10. This lil' guy got all tuckered out
Hey, when you gotta nap you gotta nap.
11. Sir, we're going to have to ask you to leave
Next time you're doing an Iron Man cosplay you might want to remove the tag — and not take photos in the toy aisle
12. I thought you were going to buy me flowers...
Now that there's superhero-themed everything, we never have to grow up — thanks, Disney
13. Childish? Or Genius?
Sometimes there's a fine line between the two. This guy looks like he's in a state of nirvana.
14. I don't know what the goal is, here...
The playground is a magical place when you kick all the kids out and the true monkey nature can come to fruition.
15. Riding the Bat-Gorilla
"I don't care honey! It looks like King Kong became Batman! I'm riding it!"
16. I win all the tickets!
Now that he's spent over three hundred dollars on this useless game, he almost has enough tickets to buy those fake glasses with the nose and mustache attached. It's a story he'll tell his grandchildren one day...
Collage images via 1. Instagram / @great_expectation7 2. reddit / KevdogFTW 3. Instagram / @nikkijo5610