Wednesday, January 6, 2016

15 Truly Weird Nicolas Cage Facts

Whether it's for his masterful work in Leaving Las Vegas and Adaptation or his more over-the-top fare in Face/Off or The Wicker Man remake, there's something for everyone to love about Nicolas Cage.

His talent and eccentricity make him one of Hollywood's most unique actors and has granted him the cult following who will go as far as to call him the One True God. (Seriously.)

And when you have a look at some of the facts surrounding his life, his wild man reputation makes a lot more sense. Which is good, because there's a lot about him that doesn't.

So let's get into what makes Cage so beautifully bizarre with these 15 facts about the man behind the memes.

Share this to all your cagiest friends and they might just thank you for it.

1. China named him the best global actor in 2013.

Yup, that was the category he was up for at the Huading Awards, but it's unclear whether it was the fans or their expert judges who made the decision.

2. He invented his own acting style called Nouveau Shamanic.

Yeah, so far only Cage knows what that actually means, but he said he'd write a book about it. I just hope it catches on and more movie stars start bugging their eyes out and screaming their lines.

I mean, that has to be part of it, right? 

3. He bought a dinosaur skull for $276,000.

Unfortunately, he had to hand it over to the US government because it was illegally brought over from Mongolia. Only someone like Cage could accidentally uncover a black market for dinosaur bones.

4. Cage will be buried in a nine-foot pyramid.

The tomb, pictured below, is in New Orleans' St. Louis Cemetery No.1. The pyramid angered locals who felt it defiled the famous burial ground, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

Slate reports, "Whatever his reasons, the Cage pyramid has already become an iconic part of the cemetery, much to the chagrin of many New Orleans locals who are furious that he was able to obtain a plot in the cramped graveyard. Many have even accused the tomb of damaging or removing other, centuries-old burials to make room. Yet despite public outcry, the pyramid stands."

5. He had a few teeth pulled out to play a Vietnam veteran in Birdy.

They were only baby teeth, but rumor has it Cage wanted to feel the kind of pain his character would go through, so he had the procedure done without any painkillers.

6. He once woke up to find a naked stranger sitting on his bed.

The intruder was wearing only Cage's leather jacket and was eating a Fudgesicle. Cage said it was scarier than it sounded, but was able to convince the man to leave and didn't press charges.

7. Cage definitely did not steal anyone's dog.

When Kathleen Turner claimed in her memoirs that he had been arrested for impaired driving and for stealing a chihuahua, he sued for libel. Cage won the case and Turner and her publisher apologized with a donation to charity on his behalf.

8. While we're at it, Cage is also not a vampire.

When a Civil War-era photo of a man who looked a lot like him surfaced on the internet, Cage set the record straight on the weird allegation that he was a vampire.

He said, "now look, I don't drink blood and the last time I looked in the mirror I had a reflection."

He also said you can't take pictures of vampires, which we'll have to take his word on.

9. Cage's prized copy of Action Comics #1 – Superman's first-ever appearance – was stolen in 2000.

Cage has a reputation as the world's biggest Superman fan, and was very happy to learn that his stolen comic showing the hero's first appearance was found 11 years later in a San Francisco storage locker.

10. Cage named his son Kal-El, Superman's birth name.

If buying his first comic doesn't have you convinced Cage is Supe's biggest fan, this should. Cage said he wanted a name that stood for something good, and you can't get any better than the Man of Steel.

11. He finds holding venomous snakes relaxing.

Cage was nervous about a five-page scene he had to do for the movie Joe until he learned he'd share the scene with a cottonmouth snake. He asked to hold the snake during the scene because he figured the adrenaline of that would level out his anxiety, and it seemed to work.

That doesn't mean I'll be trying it anytime soon, though.

12. He prefers to eat animals who have "dignified" sex.

He didn't explain what exactly makes an animal's mating dignified, but apparently fish and birds have way classier sex than pigs. 

13. He reportedly has a black belt in jiu-jitsu.

Better yet, he studied under MMA legend Royce Gracie. 

Between this and finding venomous snake relaxing, I don't think Cage is going to have any more security problems.

14. Patricia Arquette sent him on a difficult love quest.

When Cage met her in a deli, he told her he would marry her, but she needed proof of his commitment. So she sent him to find a black orchid and get an autograph from reclusive author J.D. Salinger.

He was able to get a letter from the author, but had to spray paint an orchid black.

15. He's partially responsible for Johnny Depp's acting career.

Depp's ex-wife encouraged him to take up acting, but Cage's support was what finally convinced him. Cage also introduced Depp to his agent.

Love him or hate him, what's your favorite Nicolas Cage movie? Tell us in the comments!


Author: verified_user