Friday, December 18, 2015

He Dreamed Of Looking Like A Marvel Villain And Cut His Nose Off To Achieve It

Don't stand between a man and his dreams — especially if his dream is to become a supervillain, or at least look like one. Telling somebody they can't do something, or trying to prevent them from doing it, is the surest way to ensure that they will do exactly that.

Determination has to be one of our most double-edged traits. When it's used for good, we get things like the space program, life-saving vaccines, and cutting-edge technology. When it's used for bad, we get wars and governmental gridlock. 

It takes buckets of determination to live out any dream — but not all dreams are created equally...

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Henry Damon had a dream, and at 37, he took some extreme measures to make it a reality.

Henry wanted to look like somebody from a comic book.

He's not the first person to undergo significant body work to live out a comic book dream.

Herbert Chavez of the Philippines had 23 surgeries to transform himself into Superman.

However, Henry's dream isn't to look like any comic book character you might expect.

No, he went pretty far off the beaten path.

Rather than looking like Captain America, he wanted to look like Cap's nemesis, Red Skull. You might remember him from Captain America: The First Avenger, played by Hugo Weaving.

So, how is that working out for him? Prepare yourself for something you've never seen before...

Embracing the extreme body modification community, Henry started his transformation with a series of sub-dermal implants to give his face and head some authentic Red Skull structure.

His surgeon, Emilio Gonzalez, administered both physical and psychological tests before agreeing to help Henry with his transformation.

After receiving his implants, Henry, a happily married father, had his eyeballs tattooed black.

"He's an excellent son, husband, and father, who has an extreme taste for body modification," Gonzalez, a medical school dropout who chose to focus on tattooing and extreme body surgery, told the Daily Mail.

But the most extreme body modification came when Henry decided to surgically remove a section of his nose.

According to his friends, Henry has harbored this odd dream for a long time.

"He has loved comic books since he was a kid and always dreamed of being Red Skull, but never got round to doing it," his friend Pablo Hernandez said.

And Henry isn't even done yet...

With the addition of red tattoos to his already-busy face, Henry is now much closer to his dream of looking like the menacing Red Skull.

"Next will be silicone implants on the cheekbones, chin, and cheeks," said Gonzalez.

"Then we will tattoo his entire face red and then he will be Red Skull."

What do you think? 

Is it Marvel-ous or should he blame it on Hydra?

COMMENTto let us know your thoughts on this extreme transformation!


Author: verified_user