Thursday, December 3, 2015

12 Things To Do With An Avocado Pit (Other Than Throw It Out)

People have been jumping on the avocado bandwagon lately. We all know that they are full of healthy fats and they taste freaking awesome. A little guac on those nachos? No, Sir, how about a LOT of guac on those nachos. Mmmm. Guac. Anyway, so while we're putting slices of the green delight on our burgers and chopping them up for our salads and thinking that we're getting all the nutrients, we're actually going around tossing out the most important part of the fruit. The avocado seed is the one thing that we keep to try and keep our avocados from browning too much, but other than that, we see them as useless and toss them. If you've been doing that, you need to stop. Seriously. You're throwing out amazing health benefits. They're even saying that avocado seeds are the new superfruit. WHAT?! And this whole time we've been going around thing that it's just garbage. NOPE. Here is everything you need to know about avocado seeds, including how to eat them and what good they'll do for you. 


Did you know that 70% of the antioxidants from avocado is actually hidden in the seed? Yup. And here you've been just tossing that seed out like garbage. 


Avocado seeds have more soluble fiber than most foods on this beautiful green earth of ours. That's a whooooole lotta fiber! 


Yup. If you're looking for potassium, look no further than the modest avocado seed. 

Reduces joint pain

Inflammation and joint pain can be eased through the ingestion of avocado seeds. 

Skin health

The healthy bits of the seed help to create collagen and fix damages to your skin cells. 

Strengthens your defences 

Helps to fight against illness and diseases. 

Digestive health

Avocado seeds have been used to treat numerous digestive issues such as gastric ulcers and dysentery.

Helps you lose weight

The fiber helps to keeps your blood sugar levels in check and regulated and also helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer, which means that you'll be able to kick that 2:30 sugar craving. 

So how do you go about eating an avocado seed? It's not like it's something that you can just munch on. It's large, hard, and intimidating to try and figure out. No worries. We've got you covered. Here are some ways to open this wonderful little superfruit secret and some recipes to get you started on your way to consuming the health benefits. 

Whack and crack it

Apparently a good swing with the knife will split that seed for you. You can then chop it. 

Dry and grate it

Clean the pit and leave it alone for 4-5 days to dry out. Then you can grate it into salads or smoothies. 

Throw it in a food processor 

If you have a good food processor, you can chuck in the pit and let it do the work. Now, please let me reiterate here that you need a goodfood processor for this. The seed is hard and will dull the blades of a sub-par processor. If you don't have a good one, I would go the chopping route first and then put it in the processor. 

Smash it

If you have some pent-up aggression that you're trying to get out, then this is the perfect way. Place your seed in a baggie and close it up. Then take a hammer and smash that thing into pieces. Cheap therapy. 

Make avocado tea

Boil seed pieces for a while until the water starts to look brown. Then you can filter and enjoy. 

Green Goddess Smoothie

Place the following into a blender and blend until smooth:
1/2 avocado seed

1/2 avocado

1 cup of almond milk or water

1 ripe pear

1/2 apple

1 cup of organic spinach

1 small piece of ginger (grated)

Fresh smoothie

Toss all of these things into your blender and have at it:

4 apples

2 lemons without peel

1 peeled banana

1 small bunch parsley

1 cup spinach

1 stalk celery

Quarter piece of ginger

½ avocado seed

Make a capsule 

If you have ground up your seed into a powder, you can buy capsules at your local health food store and fill up the capsules with this fiber-rich powder and take it as a supplement! Always consult your doctor before adding supplements into your daily diet. 

So enjoy your guac and your avocado sandwiches, but stop throwing out all those nutrients in the pit. Take advantage of this new "superfruit" and enjoy all the wonderful benefits that are packed inside this little seed. What do you think? Will you stop throwing out the seed now that you know this?


Author: verified_user