Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The 14 Weirdest Facts About 'How To Train Your Dragon'

People went crazy for How to Train Your Dragonwhen it was released in 2010. The characters, the plot, even the music was absolutely perfect. Most people don't really think about how much hard work and dedication goes into making animated films as amazing as this, but it's honestly a lot. There's also a TON of weird facts about the movie, like who voices the dragons??? It's so hilarious you have to see for yourself. 

1. How to Train Your Dragon was first a book by Cressida Cowell. The movie originally followed the plot of the book very closely, but was then changed to make the movie more appealing to older audiences. 

2. Toothless was supposed to be just a common "garden dragon," but was changed to be a Night Fury, the rarest of the dragon species. He was also originally red and green in the book. 

3. The director of Lilo & Stitchjoined the How to Train Your Dragonteam, and it's said that Toothless is modeled after Stitch. He was also given dragon traits and a black panther design. His large ears and eyes easily conveyed emotion.

4. Toothless makes many different sounds throughout the movie, most of them are a combination of house cats, tigers, elephant seals, elephants and horses. 

5. If you pay close attention, you can spot Toothless in the opening DreamWorks scene. 

He flies by on the right. Blink and you'll miss it!

6. The sounds of the Terrible Terrors were created by using the growl of a Chihuahua named Paco.

The sound designer of the movie saw the dog on YouTube and contacted the owners. Paco was paid $100 for his "voice."

7. Gerard Butler voices Stoick, who is supposed to be 7'2" tall in the movie.

8. There is a drawing on Hiccup's wall that resembles the time-travelling Flux Capacitor from Back to the Future.

9. Gobber has 14 different hand attachments in the movie.

10. Hiccup is the very first teenage protagonist in a DreamWorks film.

11. Hiccup lost his leg at the end of the movie because the directors wanted it to appear more believable that he was hurt after a battle. The movie was screen tested with parents who approved of the scene and thought it was actually sweet that Toothless was there for Hiccup.

12. The movie has a score of 98% on Rotten Tomatoes and was DreamWorks' highest grossing films – other than the Shrekmovies.

13. How to Train Your Dragon 2was also a HUGE box office success, and there will be a How to Train Your Dragon 3 coming to theaters in 2018. 

With characters as lovable as Hiccup and Toothless, it's no wonder the movie was so amazing.

14. During the scene where Hiccup meets Toothless, he tries to touch him. Toothless shows hesitation, but this was actually a mistake by the animators. It ended up looking really good and was left in the film.

Did you love this movie as much as everybody else did? COMMENT and let us know!


Author: verified_user