But I think the most significant divides between these two types of people come from how we use our technology. Now, there are many different ways to eat a pizza, but when it comes to how we set our morning alarms or whether or not we keep a million tabs open, there are really only two ways about it...a right way and a wrong way.
Kidding! Mostly....
Take a look at these images and tag the other person to your preference in the COMMENTS!
1. So, you either have the new iPhone or the old iPhone...or you have the new iPhone and got one of those magic jacks that let you keep your old headphones.
The wireless ones are cool, but I would lose them immediately.
2. This is very true of one of my coworkers.
He never keeps his chat on, but mine is ALWAYS on...gotta stay caught up on that office gossip.
3. Oh man, I don't even think I remember how to use film!
That's kind of sad.
4. Hashtags.
Do you use them or are you #ridiculous? Just asking.
5. I like to live my life dangerously, so I never properly eject anything.
Nothing has happened...yet.
6. Who uses a watch to tell the time?!
Honestly...everyone knows they are only for fashion.
7. See, this is what I am talking about.
Why would you ever read anything other than a book?
8. Ohhhh, the up-close selfie or the selfie stick.
I personally think selfie sticks are a little nuts.
9. Volume on or off?
See, for me, this one depends...though I would have to say mostly off.
10. Who uses a bluetooth head piece?!
Only people who have their lives together because they are so busy using their hands doing important things.
11. Do these say the same time?
I don't even know.
12. I still love going to the movies!
But also my cats and cheap snacks are at home.
13. I am the person on the left, no question.
I don't think I have seriously titled a document my whole life.
14. I love my earbud headphones...
...but maybe the over-the-ears ones block out coworkers better...worth looking into.
15. I prefer to have one window and a million tabs.
What about you?
16. I have to set at least 10 alarms to get up on time!
Who can do it on the fist try?
Tell us which one you are in the COMMENTSand SHAREwith your heathen friends!
Tell us which one you are in the COMMENTSand SHAREwith your heathen friends!