Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Tinder — so many platforms, so many opportunities for embarrassment. We've all experienced the typos, the dumb pictures, or the posts that come back to haunt us, but you can all rest assured that none of your blunders are quite as humiliating as the next people's!
1. Not the best first impression
2. Yeah... haircut... right
2. I just wanna know how he got fake sand
4. Excellent question, good sir
The next guy almost got away with it... almost...
5. Something seems off...
6. Well that's just plain dumb
7. That's why you don't add your mom on Facebook
8. Still a virgin, huh? Poor guy...
Let's just say something about the next woman's photo gave her lies away...
9. Where your hubby at?
10. Mom's magic cream
11. That is 100% pen
12. Spellcheck doesn't always have your back
The next person who got called out doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy...
13. Now, this person definitely deserves the embarrassment
14. No one needs a thigh gap that bad
15. That is a terrible haircut... which begs the question, why would you post this?
16. Close, but not quite...
Let's just say the next embarrassing moment is truly crappy...
17. Yep. That's a turd
18. That one's pretty crappy too
19. Are you serious?