Sunday, November 29, 2015

15 People Who Got Screwed By Online Shopping

If you've ever seen a deal too good to be true, chances are you saw it online. It used to be infomercials that took advantage of us lazy, bored and gullible shoppers, but now, online shopping has made it even easier to suck us suckers into buying literal shit (for anyone who bought that one Cards Against Humanity set, this statement should really ring true). So how do you avoid getting screwed by online retailers who are willing to capitalize on how stupid we, the people of the internet, are? Learn from the mistakes of the following 15 people: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is! 

1. It literally looks like that dress was constructed out of a bunch of your grandmother's old panties 

My apologies for that mental image. 

2. When it said "kitty tent" in the description, you probably didn't realize it was actually made for a cat

3. The new MacBook sure is light...

4. Another item made for your cat, because god knows it won't cover your nipples 

Sometimes, it's not what's in the package that's the problem, it's the package itself 

5. Sometimes, not even special delivery instructions can save you...

6. The chipmunks need a place to sit too

7. Bet they didn't see that one coming

8. Lesson learned, don't shop at an adult fun site for your Halloween costume 

The next online order straight up stinks

9. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Unless it's a fucking onion

10. What is this? A carpet for ants?!

11. Sweet, it'll go great with your new rug...

12. Spend over $50 and receive a free camel toe! 

At least the color is somewhat similar, which is more than we can say for the next item

13. That's what you get when you order your wedding dress online

14. I sure hope that wasn't for the honeymoon 

15. No. That's not a nose print...

Who just squashes their dick into the screen like that? There's no way that's a good angle.


Author: verified_user