Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Police Officers Successfully Rescue Suicidal Man As Passing Drivers Encourage Him To Jump

"Everybody has a story that would break your heart" is a song lyric that rings true every time I hear it. Everybody has a story, and some of them are almost unimaginable. The darkest places a person goes are rarely the topic of discussion. People struggle every day with hidden problems, and they never tell anyone. Fear can make talking to someone who could help impossible, so the problem grows. Problems can grow until it feels like there are no options and sometimes, people decide their way out is to take their own lives. Thankfully, there are police officers trained to help these people, and you would think bystanders would applaud the saving of a life. In this case, you would be wrong.

The officers in this story did an amazing thing that makes them certified heroes: they saved a man's life. They got a report of a man attempting to jump off of an overpass. One of the officers had worked with the man before while the other had never handled a call like this. The two called on their police training to talk the man back from the brink, but sadly, there was another challenge. The drivers passing them were actually yelling for the man to jump. Every time the man heard this from these cruel, careless strangers, he would regress to square one. The women worked tirelessly despite the negativity spewed from the cars stuck in traffic because of the delay. Watch their amazing story!


Author: verified_user