Thursday, October 8, 2015

19 Magical Facts About 'Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them'

Can you believe that we haven't had a Harry Potter movie since 2011?! Finally after five years, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them has come out and cast a spell over the world. The box office numbers don't lie – Potterheads can't get enough of the spin-off movie series. The movie is set 70 years before the adventures of Harry Potter and the Golden Trioand J.K. Rowling has been nice enough to reveal so much information about the expanding universe of Harry Potter! Whether or not you've seen the movie yet, here are some magical facts that you'll definitely want to know about the movie that shows us what magic is like in America! 

P.S. Some SPOILERS up ahead so beware!

1. Remember how some of the Harry Potter movies left out important parts from the books? Well, that's not going to happen with Fantastic Beasts! JK Rowling wrote the screenplay and she's going to keep writing them for the next four movies in the series! 

2. JK knows what she wants! She immediately knew that Eddie Redmayne was the first and only choice to play Newt Scamander. In fact, Eddie didn't have to audition at all. 

JK even trusted him enough to make sure that he had a say in who else was cast!

3. So where exactly does the story come from? JK wrote the book back in 2001 and it's supposed to be the textbook that Harry Potter uses and Newt wrote about all the magical creatures!

I love all the connections to Harry Potter!

4. In the Harry Potteruniverse, Newt wrote the textbook in 1927, a year after the events in the Fantastic Beasts movie. When Harry starts reading the textbook, it's already the 52nd edition. 

5. Daniel Radcliffe revealed that he was upset when he found out that Eddie's character had a nicer costume than his. "I got jeans and a zip top for 10 years and he's got a great coat already?"

Daniel has a point! Harry looked like a regular teenage boy but Newt looks sophisticated in his costume!

6. Since it's never revealed what wand Newt uses, Eddie had the power to choose his own wand! So he chose a simple wooden wand with a piece of melded shell at the end. 

Eddie says he chose it because "Newt's quite a humble guy and he's certainly not an elaborate guy." 

7. Sorry, Potterheads! If you love when wizards use broomsticks to get around, you'll be disappointed with this movie. It's the first Harry Potter movie not to feature a broomstick!

No epic quidditch matches in this movie!

8. In the trailers, people were confused when the characters never used the word "muggles." That's because JK said that the American wizarding community use the word "no-maj" to describe non-magic people. It's short for "no magic."

Unfortunately, I'm a no-maj. I mean, I wish I wasn't! 

9. If you pay attention to the scene where Newt shows Jacob all of the fantastic beasts he's collected, you'll see a Grindylow in a bubble of water. That's a callback to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Firebecause those creatures were featured in the underwater task for the Triwizard Tournament!

I am LIVING for these references!

10. Eddie was very worried about his form when casting the obliviate spell. So he went back and watched all the times wizards and witches used the spell in the Harry Potter movies. He decided to draw inspiration from Emma Watson when she "did it with a gentle turn of her hand. It was an absolutely stunning moment!"

11. There was a scene filmed with Newt going shirtless to show off all the scars he collected on his body while working with dangerous animals. Sorry, ladies. The scene was cut and Eddie was devastated. He worked out a lot for that scene!

Hey, we can hope for the scene to appear as an outtake on the DVD!

12. Fantastic Beasts is set in the same universe as Harry Potterand there's evidence! Back in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban, the name Newt Scamander appears on the Marauder's Map. 

There are just SO many references to Harry Potter in the new movie! Just pay attention when you're watching Fantastic Beasts!

13. If you're upset that you got sorted into Hufflepuff by Pottermore, cheer up! Newt is a Hufflepuff because of the yellow and black scarf he wears at the end of the movie.


14. Before JK agreed to write the screenplay, the director had this idea of making a "documentary" about Newt Scamander. 

I wonder if that will still happen! I mean, I'd LOVE to watch a documentary about Newt!

15. To really understand the character, Eddie trained with real zookeepers and animal handlers! 

16. The whole cast had to take wand classes to make sure they learned how to hold them properly!

Can I take this class?

17. JK said that Jacob reminds her of Ron. 

What do you guys think? There are definitely similarities there!

18. Out of all the beasts in the movie, Eddie's favorite is Newt's little pet, Bowtruckle. 

19. There were a ton of scenes cut from the movie but the director confirmed they will all be on the DVD. Apparently, there's a scene where Tina and Queenie sing the Illvermorny school song, which was written by JK!

Leave a COMMENTand tell us what you think about the movie! Did you like it? Is it better than the Harry Potter movies?!


Author: verified_user