Saturday, October 3, 2015

15 Ways Science Has Advanced In The Modern Era

Science is more revered these days than ever before, but if Mary Shelly's Frankensteinhas taught us anything, it's that there is such a thing as going too far. Well, that and the fact that you should name your monster if you create one, I'm tired of calling it "Frankenstein's monster," can't I just call it Dave or something??? 

Anyway, science is both terrifying and beautiful, so I've decided to do some intensive research to bring you the latest developments! So break out those safety goggles and prepare your beakers, 'cause it's time to learn...

1. Their methods are becoming more and more sophisticated

2. And the inventions are far more useful!

3. Meteorologists have created new, modern methods for measuring wind affects 

4. And they're still asking the big, important questions

5. They're finding new answers to age-old questions

6. And updating our old products for the modern era!

7. The new discoveries in food and health are fascinating! 

Like most discoveries in science, what used to be considered myth is now a reality...

8. And how will we eat this new miracle food? With none other than the ultimate utensil that combines technology from both the eastern and western hemisphere!

I give you, the chork! 

9. Of course, there are still some animals that need to be protected and conserved. Science has found the perfect solution in this case:

10. There's always been a large market when it comes to beauty products, and so of course, they're on it!

For example, look at how young they've made this woman look:

11. Of course, ethics are always an issue with new experiments...

12. And people will always ask where science will draw the line!

Apparently, 93% of people will fail this quiz. The rest are the madmen who've created the abomination you're looking at now!

13. Will the madness of animal hybrids ever end?

14. ... Yeah, when pugs fly!

15. But ultimately, there are clear signs that we're heading in the right direction with our advancements in science and technology...


Author: verified_user