Monday, October 5, 2015

13 Pictures We Simply Can't Explain

We as human beings really can't handle being bored. Sure, we all have to experience it when we're waiting in line or when our flight gets delayed, but it's something we're always so relieved to see the end of.

This is because our brains crave stimulation, and this is never more apparent than those moments where there's nothing to see or interact with. The horrors of this level of boredom are all too familiar for prisoners in solitary confinement as well as truckers, sailors and pilots, and it has a peculiar effect on them. In their situations, the brain can become so tired of its surroundings that it's forced to stimulate itself and hallucinate.

This effect is called the "prisoner's cinema" and it can really get in the way, so let's do our part to avoid it. The brain is a curious little munchkin, so let's give it something interesting to puzzle over.

To that end, here are 13 images that are going to need a bit of explaining.

Be sure to COMMENTand tell us how you're killing your boredom today.

1. Whoa, did a nuclear bomb just go off?

Nope, apparently that cloud grew into that telltale mushroom shape all on its own. It is kind of eerie-looking, though.

2. It's kind of hard to tell, but that's a tapeworm.

That's right, one. This one came out of a killer whale, which means it could be up to 100 feet long.

3. This may seem like some really bizarre knock-off toy...

...but it's actually a project by British artist Darren Cullen. Apparently it's supposed to be a commentary on how reality shows exploit teen pregnancies.

Those wacky artists.

4. This door was specially designed to look crooked.

I guess they really wanted to blow the pizza delivery driver's mind, man.

5. Yeah, cotton swabs tend to be a little different in Japan.

Apparently, this design is easier to control and the cotton doesn't escape and make a mess, so I'm not sure why we don't make them like this too.

6. This little sand doodle apparently came about on its own.

The wind blew that pine needle in just the right direction to make a circle.

7. Here we have a super snake.

It's funny how these things can happen sometimes. Now it just needs to meet a snake with the Batman logo on it.

8. Yes, each of those bills is worth 10 million dollars.

The only catch is that 10 million Zimbabwe dollars are worth absolutely nothing thanks to the extreme hyperinflation the nation has been through. By the time the government did away with Zimbabwe dollars, 35 quadrillion of them were worth one U.S. dollar.

9. This bee doesn't seem to have any yellow to it.

That's because it's a carpenter bee, which can sometimes show up in this solid black color. The male ones can get in your face, but they don't have any stingers. Female carpenter bees do, but like the bumblebee, they won't use them unless they have to. 

10. Okay, so how did this happen?

Apparently, this flood caused the insulation under the floor to swell and push this truck up against the ceiling. At least 12 vehicles were stuck in this predicament and the outlook's not good for any of them.

11. This photo captures lava in action.

Well, it's not very quick action, but you can see the molten lava push through the black, dried layer.

12. Looks like this unfortunate dinosaur toy is trapped in a tree.

Now the question is, did whoever left it here know the tree would grow around it or did they just forget it?

13. Sometimes things can get a little lonely when you're traveling.

So it's nice to see that this hotel has us covered with a bedtime story service.

Don't forget to COMMENT and tell us all the interesting things you're thinking about now that you've seen these photos.


Author: verified_user