Tuesday, September 29, 2015

These 12 Animal Videos Are Scientifically Proven To Boost Your Mood

Everyone has bad days. Some people have more than others. That's just life. We strive on anyway, with the help of a few good things, of course. 

For some people, those few good things are friends, family, foods, fun, etc. For others? Adorable animal videos. 

Some people watch video after video of critters of all kinds playing and doing funny things. I use to think this was a little crazy, to be honest. I mean, if you want to boost your mood, get outside, do something, maybe meet a real critter.

But then... I was proven so wrong. You see, a study was conducted and published in the journal of Computers in Human Behavior. The findings were conclusive:

Watching animal videos can help boost your energy and positive feelings.

So, what are we waiting for?! Let's get happy already! Love a certain video you see? I want to know in the COMMENTS! 

1. This little critter has been called the happiest in the world! Want to see why?

Tell me his chomping isn't too cute!

2. These owls are all super adorable! At 1:50, there's a special guest appearance from another critter, too!

This is one of my faves! What about you?

3. How about some dogs meeting kittens for the first time?

The retriever at 3:30 doesn't even know what to think! LOL!

4. If you haven't totally broken into a smile yet, this one will do it.

It's a husky singing, for crying out loud!

5. Maybe a pet raccoon with the cutest face ever will work...

...it's science, after all, you know.

6. Perhaps this dog dancing along to "Good Vibrations"?

This one's good for an actual laugh out loud!

7. Surely this little kitten with the big meow will do!

I mean, how could it not?!

8. Now, I KNOW this will do it!

Chomp, chomp, chomp... is this your new fave?

9. Apple the dachshund knows where the funny is at!

Look. At. Him. Dig.

10. If you are still going wild and one dachshund just won't do...

Here's a pool party of them!

11. Maybe these unlikely animal friendships will brighten your day?

Of course they will! So, which do you love best?

12. Okay, this is it. The gold: white fluffy puppies playing and barking.

No one can resist this!

Make sure to SHARE so everyone can be happy today! 

Main and collage image via YouTube / Raccoon Willie


Author: verified_user