Monday, September 28, 2015

Construction Workers Found A Mummified Corpse Beneath The Road

It seems like we're always finding new things. We learn something new every day, whether it's a small discovery that was unknown to us or finding something out about the past. Speaking of the past, there are certain things that seem to be shrouded in mystery. How did they do things in the past? Well, it's no surprise that we're constantly finding remnants of the past, especially since, as a society, we've essentially built over everything that used to exist. When we start digging, we find the things that were long forgotten...
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In the Chinese city of Taizhou, construction workers were attempting to widen a road. In the process of doing so, they stumbled upon a weird object.

After studying it, they realized that it was a tomb. What was inside?

Upon discovering it was a tomb, they summoned an archaeological team to the site. They managed to break the tomb open.

After they opened the tomb, they saw silks, linens, and an unknown liquid. At first glance, that's all that seemed to be there.

They removed the linens and ended up finding a body beneath all of it. Spooky.

Fortunately for them, it wasn't just a random body buried beneath the ground. The body had been mummified.

Upon searching further, the archaeologists were able to determine that the body belonged to a woman from over 700 years ago.

From the jewelry they discovered, as well as the quality of preservation, they determined that the woman was a prominent member of the Ming Dynasty.

The body was in such good condition that they were able to easily remove it from the tomb. Doing so resulted in no damage to the body.

They had done such a good job of preserving the body that the majority of fabric remained intact. You could even make out some of her features.

Her shoes had also remained in excellent condition.

Her body was truly an incredible find. I wonder how many other bodies are buried beneath the city?

h/t Boredom Therapy
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Author: verified_user